Attendee of the Week: Lissie

Every week from now until San Diego Comic-Con, we’re celebrating you: our readers! So let’s meet this week’s Attendee of the Week:



Where are you traveling from for San Diego Comic-Con?

Pasadena, California.

How many years have you been attending?

My first Comic-Con badge was 2009 but it was all a mess so I never managed to attend it. I’ve been on and off since 2013. Even if I could just go down for the day, I’d do it. I’ve been lucky to have some wonderful friends (aka My Nerdy Godmother, Rebecca) help me in the past with badges. 

What was your favorite panel and why?

I don’t attend a lot of panels but I have to say that even with the strikes, last year was pretty funny. Finally stepping foot in Ballroom 20 was something else. I see why it’s such an experience. Also, the swag doesn’t hurt 🙂

What is your favorite exhibitor or artist booth and why?

An IMPOSSIBLE question. I love all the artists that I have gotten to know but I have to say that my favorite is Martin Hsu. He’s always been so lovely and his commissions are excellent. Patrick Ballesteros is a close 1.5 XD.

What is your favorite item you’ve ever taken home from the convention (swag, exclusive, merch, etc.)?

My favorite item has to be from one of my first cons which I still have and survived my brother when he was young. It was at the SyFy booth. I was walking the floor and happened to see that they were giving away a tiny Cylon. I was the last one to get it that day too. I lost his foot for a while but found it and he’s been part of my collection ever since 🙂

What was your favorite autograph session and why?

I have to say the Archer signing was pretty great. I didn’t realize at the time that Jessica Walter played the Mom in Dinosaurs but getting to meet her was great. I wish I could find footage of that because I know everyone in the cast was wonderful and Jessica was a lovely being.

Tell us about your most memorable celebrity encounter at the convention.

I would say meeting the cast of Crimson Peak. Getting tickets was absolutely insane and of course everyone rushed over but I manage to get in line. Meeting Guillermo Del Toro… He is the best and reassured me that I would not be traumatized by the movie. So kind and lovely. Now onto Tom Hiddleston, so funny story, my friend asked him to do that Raptor thing at Nerd HQ so she asked that I mention it, which I did and he laughed. I made Loki laugh, A HIGHLIGHT for sure. Another random one that came into mind was when I was on my way towards my hotel or food, I can’t recall, but I ran into both Peter Capaldi and Pedro Pascal via people traffic. It was wild! Comic-Con can be magical this way.

What was your favorite offsite and why?

Severance. The commitment by the characters, the eerie feeling, the Music Dance Experience, the actual props from the show! The little easter eggs and different experiences that everyone got to have. I was lucky enough to end up with a ticket from a friend and I am still so happy that I got to attend and thankfully leave as myself.

Where is your favorite place to eat during the con?

I don’t have a particular place that I go but I always end up gravitating towards The Whiskey House on Third Ave. The waiters are sassy/hilarious which is great. The food and drinks are excellent.

What is your favorite thing about San Diego Comic-Con?

Getting to see my friends and meet new people. I have been fortunate enough to be able to hold the Our Flag Means Death “Meat” Up for the previous two years and getting to celebrate one of my favorite shows with my fellow fans is always such a highlight. 

What is your best tip having a good con?

I would say staying open to things. I like to have a guide of the artists/booths that are a MUST but otherwise I try to stay open to things which has lead to fun experiences/relaxing times that I definitely needed.

Do you tend to do the convention solo or with friends?

Friends! I always end up sharing my days with friends. From lining up at the Sails Pavilion with my friends with some coffee and lots of chat to meeting up with friends for much needed sitting, food and booze. I like sharing the experience with people I love to see some of which I only see during SDCC as they are from different states/countries. 

How would you describe SDCC to someone who has never been before?

It’s a BEAST! Like, a very fun monster but it definitely does drain you at times. Take whatever time you need to make the experience for you. Whatever makes your experience better is what matters the most.


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