Friday Wrap-Up w/ Photo Link!

Friday was another great day at the con. Though not as busy as other days there was still a lot of fun stuff. Check out the details here:

(Check out all my photos at )

1. Warner Brothers Pictures

-Where the Wild Things Are – This was really a great panel. The kid who plays max was there and great. They showed some clips and a recut of the trailer to wondrous applause. IT looks great and really different and was visually amazing! This was a big hit!

-Book of Eli – First they showed a boring clip to the motion comic and then they showed a pretty bad trailer for the movie but then they had the entire cast. This included Denzel, Gary Oldman, and Mila Kunis! They were great together and the Q&A was way better than the footage. Too bad the movie looks so bad! Gary Oldman also announced that Batman 3 would start shooting next year!

-Nightmare on Elm Street – A pretty scary trailer was shown but there wasn’t much of Haley in the trailer. He was at the panel though and though there were many watchmen questions it was still a decent q&a.

-The Box – A 4 minute trailer was shown that made it look ok. It was hard to judge since it was mostly random weird clips but both Diaz and James Marsden was at the panel and it was a decent q&a.

-Jonah Hex – Trailer was shown. Looked pretty good considering they had such a small budget. It had a very big scale. Brolin and Fox were there and they had a really funny q&a.

-Sherlock Holmes – Extended trailer shown and it looks really cool. Downey was great for the entire panel and drove people insane! People loved the footage and Downey charmed his way through the entire Q&A!

2. Disney Animation

-Toy Story 1 & 2 3D trailer was shown. Sure we’ve seen both movies before but not in 3D!!! (I’m not impressed)

-Beauty and the Beast is coming in 3D!!!! (Big Whoop)

-Ponyo was shown. Looked good but much more mainstream then Miyazaki’s movies. He was there and was given a huge standing ovation!

3. 9

-Missed most of the panel but saw the final trailer that was very impressive and cool!

-They had a lot of star power like Tim Burton and Elijah Wood but that made most of the Q&A questions “I’m your biggest fan”.

-Not as good a panel but still looks like a good movie!

4. District 9/Legion

– Legion – Looks horribly bad. There are angels with machine guns, evil ice cream men, and old killer grandmas. And it’s a completely serious movie. It was just sad!

-District 9 – They showed a 7-minute trailer and it looked really great! Was super intense and looked way better than earlier trailers. Peter Jackson also had his first appearance and made it a good one. He also said that the Hobbit script would be done in 4 weeks and casting would start in 2 months. Overall D-9 looked really good!

Winners: Tie between District 9, Sherlock Holmes, and Where the Wild Things Are!

Flynn’s Arcade:

-This was some of the best marketing I’ve ever seen! You stood outside a discreet building only labeled Flynn’s, you get inside and there are about 20 vintage 80’s arcade games, and you freak out. For about 20 minutes you can play the games while listening to some 80’s tunes and then the Tron Machine opens up and there’s a passage behind it. In the secret hallway there’s production art leading up to the big reveal, a full size light bike! It was awesome and you got to take pics. The score by Daft Punk was also playing and you got a shirt as you left! It was crazy cool and I hope they do it again tomorrow!

Overall it was a very good day!

Follow me on twitter @SD_Comic_con for more updates

And stay tuned tomorrow for another great day!

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