The Movies of Comic-Con 2010! Part 2

Just as each year’s convention contains many of the movies people expect, they also have surprises and reveals that many never would have guessed. In this post I take a look at what we could possibly see at this year’s con:

RED – This Summit-produced comic book adaptation revolves round a retired black-ops agent that is forced to get his team back together when their lives are threatened. The amazing cast includes Bruce Willis, Morgan Freemen, John Malkovich, and Helen Mirren. The film hasn’t released any promotional material so far but SDCC seems like the perfect place for a first trailer and possibly some clips (as the film has been in Post Production for many months). Hopefully Summit will decide to fly out the stars and put effort into the film’s panel even though it lies out of their Twilight-safe-zone.
Panel: 95%
Star Power: 75%

John Carter of Mars – Having recently finished filming it is unlikely that much, if any, footage would be done and ready to show for the con from this sci-fi adaptation of the Edgar Rice Burroughs novel. Still, Disney knows almost every attendee wants to see this film and even having some of its stars (Mark Strong?) and director Andrew Stanton at the Disney panel with some concept art would be sure to please people. Disney has grown increasingly smart in pleasing their fans at SDCC but showing off a film with heavy effects long before its release date is a bit risky.
Chance It’ll Be Part of the Disney Panel: 50%

Star Trek 2 – Yes, this sequel hasn’t even started filming. The script is already being written though and Paramount brought the original Trek to the con without a single frame or photo to show. Putting this on a panel is very unlikely as we already know the cast and story details would likely remain hidden. I’d be willing to bet Teaser Posters or Shirts might be handed out with a logo, release date, and possibly a title.
Panel: 5%
Swag: 65%

Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader – After the last entry in the Narnia series failed to earn much at the box-office, Disney shipped the franchise to Fox and now the third film is preparing for its December release date. Narnia has always had more of a presence at the con with its creature and visual effects but Fox is likely to make last ditch effort to rope back in the fans. A trailer premiere and panel would be likely but Fox might decide to market this film squarely to children and skip the con.
Panel: 70%

Sucker Punch – Zack Synder (300, Watchmen) directs and co-writes this IMAX 3D flick about a girl forced into a mental institution by her evil stepfather. Soon enough she envisions an alternate reality in which she escapes the institution. The project has been very secretive so far with interesting casting announcements being the extent of its exposure. A trailer can’t be too far in the future though and SDCC is the perfect place to premiere the first one. The question then becomes if the trailer would be in 3D as the movie is, or if it’s to early to have any of the 3D completed. Expect Snyder and some of his eccentric cast (Jon Hamm? Carla Gugino?) to be at a panel, trailer or not.
Panel: 75%
3D Trailer: 50%

Your Highness – Danny McBride and James Franco star in this medieval-set comedy about two brothers on a quest to save their kingdom. Director David Gordon Green, McBride, and Franco brought Pineapple Express to the con in 2008 and had a great response. Though Universal recently pushed the film to an April 2011 spot, it is almost complete and clips are sure to be shown. A panel with McBride, Franco, and possibly co-stars Natalie Portman and Zooey Deschanel would be very funny so any comedy fans should put this on the top of their must-see list.
Panel: 90%
Clips: 75%

Cowboys vs. Aliens – Directed by Jon Favreau (Iron Man), written by the co-creator of Lost, starring Harrison Ford, and based off of a successful comic series, Cowboys vs. Aliens has the perfect pedigree to make it a smash hit at SDCC. Unfortunately the movie will be finishing up filming around the time of the con. All hope is not lost though, as Jon Favreau visited Comic-Con with both of the Iron Man films and though they had just finished filming, he brought rough trailers that blew people away both times. This means inclusion in a panel is extremely likely but the question is if he will deliver an early trailer (a la Iron Man) or just a video taped message from the set with the major stars (like Indy 5 did a few years ago). Knowing Favreau’s track record, I’d want to go to the panel either way.
Panel: 65%
Footage: 50%
Pre-Taped Message: 50%

Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides – Currently filming in Hawaii, this Disney production has boosted its potential greatness with a new cast of characters that includes Ian McShane (of Deadwood fame) and Penelope Cruz. POTC is one of Disney’s major franchises though, and it is unlikely they would want to show any footage that’s not completed. Maybe we’ll see some pictures at the Disney Panel, but don’t be surprised if they sit this one out.
Panel: 35%

Tin Tin – With a release date scheduled for Christmas of 2012, there would not be much to show from this film. Still, shooting is long done and not a single poster of picture (outside of actors in motion-capture suits) has hit. SDCC is the perfect place to premiere the first photos or poster so expect a side-note at the Paramount Panel this year with a possible appearance by Peter Jackson or maybe even Steven Spielberg.
Pics/Poster and Mention at Paramount Panel: 70%
Full Panel and Q+A: 10%

The Thing – Currently filming in Canada, this remake of the classic 1982 horror film has a lot to live up to in horror fan’s minds. The original is regarded as a classic and almost every horror remake in recent memory has been a disappointment. Some early buzz from the set is positive though, and SDCC could be the perfect place to show off a brand new teaser trailer and try to rope in fan’s approvals.
Panel with cast and crew: 50%
Trailer: 35%

(Note: Cabin in the Woods was going to be included on this list but because of MGM’s dire financial situation I find it extremely unlikely they will be showing anything at the con.)

So, which movie do you want to see the most?

Also, check out Part 1 if you missed it!

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