Movie/TV Recap and Reviews for Friday

Just like Thursday’s recap, I’ve decided everything into TV and Movies. I attended a lot more smaller panels today though, so I will also be talking about those. Read on for what went down.

Movies (Hall H and The Goon):

Drive Angry 3D – Nic Cage started out Hall H with a bang. Attendees were left impressed with the insane and practical (no CG) action used in this driving/revenge flick. It might not have revolutionized the con, but it definitely left attendees excited for this fun flick to hit theaters. B+

Skyline – No one knew anything about Skyline before the con and this worked to to the movies advantage. The alien-invasion plot might not be at all original, but the visual flare and “magical light” concepts give the plot a fresher feeling. They didn’t show off a ton of footage but what they did generated some excitement. B

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark – This movie scared Hall H attendees like they had never been scared before. Any that’s pretty much all there is too it. Mission Accomplished. A

Super – Though it looks a bit too much like Kick-Ass, the eclectic cast made for an awesome Q+A. The footage was extremely dark yet funny and man is Rainn Wilson a funny guy when behind a microphone A-

Priest – Leaving many attendees worried yet a bit happy, Priest showed some promise with decent footage and an interesting animated intro. Not enough was really shown to get a confident idea though, and the film definitely has a Jonah Hex vibe going on. B-

The Other Guys – Pure hilarity. Ferrel, Mendes, and Whalberg had the audience bursting with laughter after a very memorable Q+A experience. The footage they showed was pretty good and the cast was amazing. A

Green Hornet – It’s never a good sign when attendees start walking out during the footage. Unfortunately this is just what happened when Seth Rogan and crew failed to ignite the SDCC buzz. C-

The Goon – This film hasn’t even gotten made yet but the reel created for studio buyers was great and the panel was a lot of fun. In addition, having Paul Giamatti on a panel makes it that much better. A

TV (Ballroom 20 and 6BCF):

Hawaii 5-0 -Though it brings nothing new to the table, the series looks like an interesting re-imagining with a large scope. Daniel Dae Kim provided some interesting anecdotes about Lost such as mentioning his favorite episode was the first season finale and that he was satisfied with the ending.

Walking Dead – This show looks awesome. Totally cinematic and scary, the trailer they showed looked like it was really blending the lines between TV and Film. Look for this one in October.

The Big Bang Theory – This was a panel of pure fun that included a Barenaked Ladies performance and sing-along. Everyone in Ballroom 20 was left with a smile as the cast was hilarious and the great atmosphere was infectious. The top of its class in TV panels.

Caprica + SGU – Read the full recap here but both sound like they left fans satisfied with new info and stars.

True Blood – Again, you can read the recap here but the panel sound like a treat for fans with footage and reveals.

Head back here tomorrow for A Saturday recap!

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