TV Recaps for Sunday

The final day of Comic-Con 2010 ended with a bang in Ballroom 20 with some of the biggest shows at the con trotting out talent, clips, and overall awesomeness. Read on for all that occured.

Smallville – The cast and crew, including Tom Welling, was in attendance to preview the show’s 10th and final season. Attendees really enjoyed hearing the panel talk about the upcoming season and reflect on how great the show has been for them. They were asked what their favorite episodes have been and the answers ranged from “Roulette” to “Checkmate.” Finally, the fans were thanked and spoilers for the upcoming season were revealed. Those looking for this spoileriffic info can head over here to see that.

Supernatural – Continuing its tradition of being fun and funny, the Supernatural took the Ballroom by storm as they revealed info for the new season and made attendees laugh. The panelist announced that Season 6 will take place a year after 5 ended and will feature chaos and action. They also enforced that the show will return to its monster-a-week formula with minor new mythology each week. More of a female presence in Season 6 was confirmed and a Season 5 Gag Reel was shown at the end of the panel.

American Dad – This panel didn’t really have much of a con presence as the cast and crew went on stage and talked about the show to an audience that was mostly waiting for Glee. Still, Seth MacFarlane was funny and cheery as usual and a never-before seen episode was screened and pleased the crowd.

Glee – Though some of the shows bigger stars were disappointingly absent, this panel was still a big hit with its rabid fan base. After an agonizingly long highlight reel, the creators and stars went on stage and talked about a ton of stuff. The major reveals include a Britney Spears episode confirmation, the return of Kristen Chenoweth, and a Rocky Horror Picture Show episode. The panel also commented on the show’s massive popularity and its place in pop culture. Finally, the stars talked about the high tension singing for Oprah and their pet peeves, including videos of them working out. For Season 2 spoilers head over here.

Sons of Anarchy – This panel included a short trailer for the upcoming season and very little new information but was still fun for fans of the show. Attendees got to see their favorite stars talk about the show and drop such minor tidbits as the presence of three prospects in the new season. The highlight of the panel for many was when a fan asked if Empire Strikes Back was an influence and then listed all the similarities with the SoA finale. Funny or Die captured Ron Perlman’s reaction. Take a look below:

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – Sunny fans got a big surprise when FX screened a full upcoming episode of the series. The audience loved it and expressed their fandom with massive amounts of applause and laughter. Unfortunately this left the panel with very little time to answer questions so the Q+A was short and sweet. They even brought David Hornsby (Cricket) onstage to say hello to the audience. It was great fan service but really needed a longer panel (it was stuck in with SoA) to get the most out of its hilarious cast.

Thanks for reading the Comic-Con 2010 recaps and stay tuned to the site for more SDCC updates!

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