Sunday Comic-Con Schedule Announced

We feel like we’ve been stuck on an emotional rollercoaster these last few weeks. Would Hollywood show up for Comic-Con this year or won’t they? We’d heard conflicting reports on either side of the story. And we finally received some closure after seeing the schedules for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Most of our questions have been answered, but there are some still lingering about the offsite presence of Marvel and Dreamworks studios. And the answers we did get were pretty encouraging, at least for Thursday and Friday, that Hollywood would bring their “A” game to the con.

But then Saturday’s schedule was released, and it wasn’t nearly as strong as the prior two days. So the question on everyone’s mind is, would Comic-Con rebound on Sunday and end this year with a bang?

By looking solely at the panel schedule, this year’s con started out as a lion but might end like a lamb.

Now, before we begin with our analysis, let’s get out of the way that Sundays are traditionally slow days.The con sets aside Sundays as “Family Day”, and a lot of kid-oriented panels fill the schedule. Hall H has been traditionally closed on the last day of the con. So we’re already going into the last day with tempered expectations.

On the other hand, there was a big deal made that Hall H was going to be open on Sunday this year, when it traditionally is not. So that’s good news, right?

Well, not if they close Ballroom 20 because of it. That’s right, there are NO panels scheduled for Ballroom 20 on Sunday, and everything that would have normally been held there has been moved to Hall H. So that makes our analysis a little easier, if not also a bit light. It also raises questions about what super-secret event is being planned for Ballroom 20…

Hall H

Gleeks, there’s no bigger stage to host the panel for your favorite show, because Glee will start the day at 10AM. Expect a 3D presentation as they also have a sneak peak at the Glee 3D concert movie, as well as a look at the new season and what is sure to be an entertaining Q&A with the cast and crew.

At 11:15AM, bring on the great little show that just won’t quit, Supernatural, for a return panel. The series, which was supposed to end after season five, is now going into its seventh season and carried by a loyal fanbase that has supported it even after it moved to no-man’s-land on the television schedule. During that time it has steadily built up one of the best mythologies on television since Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Catch this one even if you’re a casual fan.

At 12:30PM, BBC is bringing fan-favorite Doctor Who to Comic-Con after skipping out last year due to filming. Guests include Matt Smith as the Doctor and Karen Gillan as his companion Amy Pond, along with the writers and producers of the latest incarnation of the series, to talk about the remainder of season two and that one helluva mid-season ger.

FOX takes over the remainder of the Hall H schedule, with no interruptions between panels. The Cleveland Show starts off the FOX block at 1:45PM, followed by It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia at 2:45PM. Last year the cast of It’s Always Sunny showed the entire first episode of the upcoming season, but this year it’s only listed as a Q&A. Sons of Anarchy wind down the series panels at 3:30PM, and then to close out this year’s con is a sing-along screening of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer musical episode,  “Once More With Feeling” at 4PM.

Our advice? You’d probably do no wrong sitting in Hall H, as there’s enough quality programming to find something you like. How’s that for enthusiasm, eh?

Best of the Rest

Archaia Comics has been creating beautiful comics with the Jim Henson Company for years, and at 10AM in room 4 they’ll be talking about their fruitful relationship.They’ll be showing some archival footage of Jim Henson himself, as well as previewing their newest graphic novel in the partnership, based on an unproduced screenplay by Henson.

At 11:45AM in room 6BCF, Nathan Fillion and the cast of Castle will be on hand to discuss the upcoming season and hopefully give us a look at the graphic novel being created by Marvel. We have no idea why this panel is being called One-On-One with Castle Star Nathan Fillion, if they’re going to have the rest of the cast there as well. We guess the network finally figured out Fillion is the special sauce of the mystery/dramedy heading into its fourth (!) season.

If you have children, you’ve probably been forced to catch the latest Scooby-Doo series on Cartoon Network, Mystery Incorporated. And if you’re anything like us, you’ve probably come away from it thinking it was pretty darn entertaining. Well, Matthew Lillard and the gang are all back this year for a returning panel at 1PM in room 6A where they’ll be screening the series one finale and talk about what’s in store for season two. And we should all be glad there is going to be a season two, believe me.

Lastly, at 3PM check the Marvel/Disney Team-Up panel in room 24ABC to see how the two companies are going to come together to bring origin books of popular Marvel characters to young readers.

Our advice? We’d say this is your opportunity to catch up on the stuff you’ve been missing on the show floor. The only downside is that the show floor on the last day is absolutely madness, since everyone attending pretty much has the same idea. Take some chances on some panels you wouldn’t normally attend, now that you have that luxury. As long as the studios don’t have us flocking to some rumored surprises, that is.

And of course pack, because you’re going home.

And that’s that! The entire schedule has been announced. What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

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