SDCC AM Update: Godzilla, Ant-Man, HBO, WB Signings

With the storms taking out our power and the schedule pushing all other news to the sidelines, we’re finally back with a big round-up of everything important you might’ve missed over the weekend. Let’s run it down!

  • Godzilla – Latino Review scored another great scoop, this time learning that WB and Legendary Pictures will have a surprise part of their panel dedicated to the upcoming reboot. Since the film hasn’t even gone intro production yet, expect them to reveal the final Godzilla designs and maybe some test footage. Should make the big WB panel even more of a must-see event.
  • TV Guide Covers – Click here to get a look at all the TV Guide covers for their special Comic-Con edition. There’s 8 total with 4 different “sets.” Some people go crazy for these things, and for others it’s just something to occupy your time with while you wait in lines.
  • Ant-Man – The Hollywood Reporter learned that Edgar Wright just wrapped an Ant-Man test reel for Marvel to help nail down the style and tone of the upcoming film. Seems perfectly timed for the con, no? And Disney blew everyone away with their Tron Legacy test reel not too long ago. It’s still a long shot, but there’s a small chance Marvel could make just about every attendee’s dreams come true by adding this on to their Iron Man 3 panel.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy – Speaking of the Marvel panel, Latino Review also revealed that they’ll be announcing a Guardians of the Galaxy film there as well. It’ll probably just be a ton of applause and maybe a few scant details as the flick’s still in pre-production and aiming for a 2014 release, but it should spice up the panel a bit (maybe they’ll even be some concept art).
  • HBO Panel Streams – In a move sure to make all their non-attending subscribers happy, HBO revealed they’ll be streaming the panels for True Blood and Game of Thrones through their HBO Connect service. I doubt any exclusive footage will be included (probably just the Q&A’s) but it’s still a nice modern move into a possible future for SDCC.
  • Australian Comic-Con – In a very strange turn of events, the Oz Comic-Con angered fans far and wide as it turned away people who paid $600 to get in and burdened those who did with terrible organization and staff. Get the full story here.
  • WB Signings – Warner Brothers are updating their system for signings this year, putting the release for all tickets first thing in the morning. Some people will be relieved, some quite angry, but it’s better than the all-day madness that has resulted in year’s past. For the full details, read on below:

All ticket drawings and wristband distributions for all signings will begin in the morning of the day of the specific signing, when the Sails Pavilion opens to attendees. Badged Comic-Con members can begin lining up as soon as the Sails Pavilion area opens to attendees. The ticket drawings will begin at 8:00 a.m. or shortly afterwards.

All of the drawings for all signings will now take place in one line on the morning of the signing. Advisory to fans and attendees: Lines will likely be much longer this year, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

Here’s how it works: Fans identify the signing they want to attend. On the morning of the day of the signing they hope to attend, fans should arrive at the Sails Pavilion floor (between Ballroom 20 and Rooms 6A, 6BCF and 6DE) in the morning.

Ticket distribution for Comic-Con’s random draw will begin when the Sails Pavilion opens to attendees. Badged Comic-Con members can begin lining up as soon as the Sails Pavilion area opens. The ticket drawings will begin at 8:00 a.m. or shortly thereafter. A limited number of wristbands will be available for each signing, via Comic-Con’s random draw process. There will be one line for all drawings and signings. We appreciate your patience!

The random drawing will determine which fans receive wristbands granting access to each autograph line. Fans who obtain wristbands should arrive at the Warner Bros. booth 30 minutes before the signing to line up

See below for the current signing dates for TV and digital series. The feature film signings will be announced at a later date. All signings are at the Warner Bros. booth #4545.


MAD Autograph Signing


The Big Bang Theory Autograph Signing

Cult Autograph Signing

Arrow Autograph Signing

666 Park Avenue Autograph Signing

H+ Autograph Signing

HBO’s Game of Thrones Autograph Signing

Childrens Hospital Autograph Signing

Nikita Autograph Signing


Fringe Autograph Signing

The Following Autograph Signing

Revolution Autograph Signing

The Vampire Diaries Autograph Signing

Person of Interest Autograph Signing

HBO’s True Blood Autograph Signing


Supernatural Autograph Signing

DC Nation Autograph Signing

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