Under The Tents: SDCC News for May 2, 2013

Silver Samurai WolverineWe’ve started a new, quasi-regular column on the Blog titled “Under The Tents”. The title is symbolic, as it’s representative of the times we all line up under the tents waiting for those big moments to happen inside Hall H or Ballroom 20.

Here’s the stuff you might have missed for today:

  • The Beat laments the closing of Comics Alliance and the departure of MTV Geek editor Valerie Gallaher, asking “Who’s Next?”, addressing the increasing difficulty in maintaining a comics/geek website in the current environment.

I hear about this venture or that one starting up and I’m like “Good luck.” The business model isn’t suddenly going to get any better. After all, Comics Alliance might have survived if it had been under the Huffington Post where NO ONE gets paid.

  • Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four reboot for Twentieth Century Fox might have found it’s Johnny Storm, and it’s none other than Chronicle star Michael B. Jordan, according to The Wrap. If this happens, either the reboot will cast away the sibling relationship with sister Susan (Invisible Woman), or cast another African-American actor to play the role.
  • Remember the brother-sister duo reported to have joined the cast of characters for Avengers 2? EW has confirmed it is none other than Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. The rub, is that they are both the children of Magneto, who currently has an exclusive deal with Twentieth Century Fox. As Erik Davis from Movies.com points out, the two could have some serious “daddy issues” if they get orphaned from their father, contractually.
  • Wolverine battles Silver Samurai in this clip from last month’s The Wolverine CinemaCon presentation. We’ll probably be seeing more of this shiny fella come July in San Diego. [via Slashfilm]
  • Zenoscope Entertainment says they’ll be screening the animated pilot episode of Grimm Fairy Tales at SDCC, as long as it’s approved by CCI. [via Twitter]
  • The Seattle Times has an interesting article about how some of the major Hollywood tentpole theatrical releases are holding their own mini-Comic-Con events, and how that has helped with creating social buzz.

For “Star Trek: Into Darkness,” which opens May 17, Paramount shared early photos and videos with Trekkies devoted enough to download an iPhone or Android app. Other aspiring blockbusters, including Disney’s “The Lone Ranger” and Sony’s “Elysium,” were subjects of their own individual Comic-Con-style events recently: Studios invited fans to local theaters, where they heard directly from the films’ stars and were the first to see the action-packed trailers and other select scenes.


  • Iron Man 3 finally opens across the U.S. at midnight tonight. We’ll take our popcorn with a Repulsor Blast of hot butter, thank you.

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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