SDCC 2013 – MTV2 Party in the Park

party in the parkComic Con has always been known for turning into a party-mecca once the lights at the San Diego convention center go dim each night, but the first-ever MTV2 Party in the Park may be the surprise after-hours hit for attendees.

On Thursday night, MTV2 took over Petco Park to offer Comic Con attendees one of the best parties of the week – which featured food and drinks, live music, a chance to interact with celebrities, and much more. Best of all? It was free to anyone with a SDCC badge.

The only downside to the event was that when it kicked off at 7PM, the line to get inside the park already stretched around the block. But after a lengthy wait, fans were given a lanyard and badge that entitled them to three free drinks (including beer, wine, and soft drinks) and two items of food (including fish tacos, hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream, and more).

party in the parkOnce party-goers had chowed down, there was still plenty to see and do. A free ferris wheel offered stunning views of the busy park, while a few lucky fans who had lined up early enough were treated to an autograph signing from the cast of Teen Wolf. On the outskirts of the party were also free photo booths set up that would e-mail attendees digital versions of their snapshots, as well as a silent disco – where participants donned headphones and glow sticks and rocked out to the music that only they could hear. It seemed as though they had a good time. We certainly had fun watching them.

Around 9PM, though, the park came to life as DJ Dillon Francis and the New Politics took to the stage. Attendees rocked out to the set, which could be heard and seen all over the park. This was one of the few free concerts during Comic Con, and it made for a nice change of pace.

party in the parkIn a special VIP section in the middle of the party, fans could spy an episode of MTV’s Guy Code being filmed, as well as cast members of Teen Wolf dancing the night away. And to cap the night off, MTV2 set off fireworks, which was the perfect end to the night and how every Comic-Con party should end.

With the night-scene being lighter on Thursday than other nights, Party in the Park was the place to be on Thursday (for those not already camped out in line, at least!). We’d have preferred shorter lines to get in, but it’s hard to find anything at Comic Con without a line — especially for an event offering so much to attendees for free, and with no RSVP required.

We’re hopeful that MTV2 brings Party in the Park back for another round next year, as it was the perfect end to the first day of Comic-Con.

party in the parkDid you attend Party in the Park? What did you think?

**Photos courtesy of Kyle Peek at Behind The Thrills.

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