SDCC 2013 Programming Schedule: Thursday Highlights

Ballroom20CCI is releasing the programming schedule for Comic-Con 2013 in it’s annual fashion, and we’ll be bringing you the highlights of each day as they’re announced.

We’ll also be discussing our thoughts on this year’s lineup, including our top picks, in a special series of podcasts (the first of which will cover Thursday-Friday’s lineup).

Saying that, bring on Thursday!

First the big news, no longer does Ballroom 20 open later in the day, and it’s not kicked off by Psych either (that will be a relief to cast and fans who may have attended the midnight Psych The Musical screening the night before). Instead, the fun kicks off promptly at 10AM with a screening and Q&A of CBS’ Intelligence starring Josh Holloway. Other room highlights include Beauty and the Beast, Psych, the first appearance of Sherlock, the X-Files 20th Anniversary Reunion, and, to close out the day, Teen Wolf gets a nice upgrade into the big ballroom.

One thing worth noting in Ballroom 20: “Entertainment Weekly’s Brave New Warriors” features both Matt Smith and Kit Harrington, virtually guaranteeing the 11th Doctor will say farewell to fans at some point during the weekend, and that Game of Thrones will return.

Hall H offers plenty of diversity in its program offerings. Particularly interesting will be fans’ first look at the new Terry Gilliam film, The Zero Theorum, and the annual Entertainment Weekly Visionaries panel featuring Amazing Spider-Man 2‘s Marc Webb, Gravity‘s Alfonso Cuarón and The World’s End‘s Edgar Wright. We admit we got one wrong – Summit won’t be opening the Hall, but rather hosting its panel later in the afternoon with Ender’s Game and Divergent. Closing out Hall H on Thursday is Showtime’s Dexter, making its first appearance in Hall H and its last (for now).

Video game fans should be happy to hear that not only do you have the “Video Games to Movies” panel, but also a Halo panel, Batman: Arkham Origins, Blizzard Licensed Product Showcase, The World of CAPCOM, South Park: The Stick of Truth, “Video Gaming: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are and Where We’re Going”, and “Mega64: Decade of Perfection”.

There’s also so much TV at this year’s Comic Con that it can’t all fit in Ballroom 20, so you’ll have to turn to Room 6A for Hannibal, and the Hilton Bayfront’s Indigo Ballroom for Workaholics, Wilfred, and Jack Black’s Ghost Ghirls. Also of note in the Bayfront is that John Barrowman (Doctor Who, Torchwood, Arrow) will be hosting a panel by himself called “Comic Con: Anything Goes”, to discuss all of his projects – previous, ongoing and future.

Moving to comics and all the other panels, there is a staggering amount of coverage across the geek landscape. Marvel and DC have their usual range of panels covering overall plans, digital media, toys and how-to’s. Highlights include DC’s “All Access” panel in Room 6DE and Marvel’s “Breaking Into Comics the Marvel Way” in Room 7AB. Other publishers such as Dark Horse Comics, Avatar Press, Viz Media, Boom! Studios, and more are represented. There are a plethora of “How To’ panels covering everything from comics to Photoshop to movies to action figures.

Music in movies is covered with an impressive collection of composers and directors in “The Anatomy of Superhero Film Music: Bringing a Comic Book to Life” panel in Room 6A. Of special note on that panel is both The Wolverine‘s James Mangold and Kick Ass 2‘s Matthew Vaughn, meaning we may be getting panels for each of those movies later in the weekend.

Transformers gets a couple of panels, including a 30th Anniversary kick off panel in Room 25ABC. There are zombies lurking if you look close enough. TV Land is bringing some comedy legends to SDCC with their panel in the Indigo Ballroom. There are 9 different creator Spotlight panels. Voice actors have a couple panels. The array and variety of panels is truly impressive for the first day of the convention.

You can check out the entire Thursday programming schedule here.

Which panels are your favorites on Thursday? What are the big surprises so far? Let us know in the comments.

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