Packing for San Diego Comic-Con, or any convention, can seem like a daunting task. On top of the more obvious Comic-Con necessities like poster tubes, portable chargers, and deodorant (and please, pack your deodorant), there’s also all of the things that you might not even consider bringing to the convention. But those are the things that could mean the difference in you having a good Comic-Con, or an amazing one.
So what are some of uncommon, but helpful items that you should consider bringing to San Diego Comic-Con? We asked the experts: Our readers.
Here’s what they had to suggest:
@SD_Comic_Con sharpie, past WB bags, rubber bands, safety pins, autograph folder w/plastic sheets to protect signatures
— Parks And Cons (@ParksAndCons) January 9, 2015
@SD_Comic_Con earplugs – When sharing a hotel room it helps me stay asleep.
— Thomas Wilson (@thethomaswilson) January 9, 2015
@SD_Comic_Con I always bring an extra sandwich. And there's always someone who desperately needs super appreciates that extra sandwich.
— Jeff McClelland (@JeffMcClelland) January 9, 2015
@SD_Comic_Con I bring my tiny chair, slips over my shoulder, very light. I can sit anywhere!
— Cookie Jones (@saweetcookie) January 9, 2015
@SD_Comic_Con An empty suitcase.
— Chris Murrin also on Hive (@ChrisMurrin) January 9, 2015
@SD_Comic_Con neosporin antibiotic ointment. Between blisters and swag-induced paper cuts, it usually ends up as a necessity for someone
— Beena (she/her) (@pyroblaze18) January 9, 2015
@SD_Comic_Con I'll tell you what I'm bringing this year…SUNSCREEN! I got burnt last year checking out all the PetCo stuff.
— Hunner (@HunterStandUp) January 9, 2015
@SD_Comic_Con floss. Nothin like spotting 1 of ur fave actors sittin at the table beside urs at dinner – make sure ur smile's prime 4 pix!
— Alanah Tweedy (@AlanahTweedy) January 9, 2015
@SD_Comic_Con Ice packs and neck coolers made of ice. Bring extras to help overheated folks. 🙂
— Jenny Raisler (@JenCat004) January 9, 2015
What item do you bring to San Diego Comic-Con that might not be on everyone’s packing list? Let us know in the comments.