Welcome to the GeekShot Photo Exclusive Series. This will be a weekly post featuring cool, interesting, or just plain awesome moments we have captured during San Diego Comic-Con and WonderCon. Each week we’ll post a photo by Beth or James of GeekShot Photography. We may include a short story about the photo, but sometimes we’ll just let the photo speak for itself.
About This Photo
Spider-Gwen cosplay by Hendo Art at WonderCon 2015.
There were quite a few Spider-Gwens at WonderCon this year and they all looked amazing. However, Hendo Art went a little above and beyond by balancing and posing on this light (and a trash can another time apparently). She was there for more than a few minutes too, so kudos to her! You can find her on Instagram and Facebook.
As far as the photo is concerned, I feel like I could have done a better job framing the shot. There is a distracting sign in the background and not much else is interesting beyond the subject and her pose. I should have tried a few different angles to see what I could capture. I’m sure I could have gotten something better. I am happy with the exposure and settings I used. Shooting in the sun with harsh light and shadows can be difficult and the black and white costume makes it even more so. Luckily the whites aren’t blown out and you can still see the detail of the costume.
Are there any photos you want to do over? Let us know in the comments.
You can see all of the previous posts in this series here.