Quentin Tarantino ‘The Hateful Eight’ to Take Center Stage on Hall H

MV5BMTY4MTMxNTMxM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODcyNjMzMjE@._V1._CR4,4,554,751_SX640_SY720_Last year, Quentin Tarantino made a surprise appearance at San Diego Comic-Con in Room 6BCF to discuss Dynamite! Comics. This year, though, he’s heading all the way to Hall H.

Deadline is reporting that Quentin Tarantino will be bringing The Hateful Eight to San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday, July 11 at 1:30PM. The panel will feature not only Tarantino, but also “cast”, to discuss the film, its roadshow release in 70mm footage, and show off new footage. We’ve also seen reports that Chris Hardwick is moderating.

The film, which stars Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins, Bruce Dern, and more, follows a stagecoach and its passengers along a perilous winter journey.

Tarantino had previously appeared on the Hall H stage for Django back in 2012 – and we expect great things.

Are you excited about The Hateful Eight coming to Comic-Con? Let us know in the comments.

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