Survey for CCI and Lionsgate Streaming Service May Offer Clues for Future

For those who signed up for more information about the Comic-Con International and Lionsgate streaming service, of which very little is currently known, you may have just been e-mailed a survey about the upcoming VOD service.

The survey shows that whoever designed it — whether it was CCI, Lionsgate, or some combination of the new two — at least seems interested in making a service that’s truly for the fans. The first question off the bat asks, “Do you consider yourself to be a truly passionate fan of comics, movies, video games, etc?”, which hopefully sets the tone for what they’re aiming to achieve.

Although most of the questions seem designed to get a baseline for just how invested the person answering the question is in the world of conventions and pop culture, there is one question that may offer some clues as to what’s currently being considered for the platform. It’s this one:

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Although Lionsgate potentially gained access to Comic-Con’s years of archive footage, it makes sense that they’d be considering combining that with traditional genre fare like movies, and possibly some exclusive content focused on both the people behind the curtain and the artists that we celebrate. “The Business Behind Making Comic-Con”? That’s a reality series we’d actually watch.

Did you take the survey? What are you hoping comes from the Lionsgate and Comic-Con VOD service? Let us know in the comments.

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