South Park 20 Arrives in Hall H and Likely Kills Your Friday ‘Star Wars’ Panel Dreams

South-Park-Stan-420-100South Park is celebrating twenty years by killing your Star Wars panel dreams.

We kid (mostly) – but with the news from UPROXX that South Park is heading to Hall H on Friday, July 22 at 5PM – roughly the same time slot that Star Wars: The Force Awakens debuted last year – very likely means that we won’t be getting a Rogue One panel. Friday has traditionally been Star Wars day at the convention, so it’s unlikely if the franchise showed, it would be scheduled on another day. There’s still one blank spot to be filled between Game of Thrones and the 5PM panel, so it’s not impossible – but signs don’t look good.

The panel, which will be moderated by Hall H fixture Chris Hardwick, will look back at the series’ long history. You can also find South Park Experience at their offsite this year, where you’ll be able to partake in enjoy a viewing lounge of episodes, photo opportunities, and more.

Here’s the current Friday Hall H schedule that we know of – though we’ll get the complete Friday schedule this Friday.

Hall H
10:30AM: Con Man
12PM-1PM: Fear the Walking Dead
1PM-2PM: The Walking Dead
2:15PM: Game of Thrones
In Between: ?
5PM-6PM: South Park 20
6:30PM-8:30PM: Preacher

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