GeekShot Exclusive Photo Series Vol. 4 (Week 10.1)

Welcome to the GeekShot Photo Exclusive Series. This will be a regularly recurring post featuring cool, interesting, or just plain awesome moments we have captured during San Diego Comic-Con and WonderCon over the years. Each post will include a photo by Beth or James of GeekShot Photography. We may include a short story about the photo, but sometimes we’ll just let the photo speak for itself.

About This Photo

First off, spoilers for Agents of SHIELD obviously.

Agents of…Hydra? Clark Gregg at the Agents of SHIELD panel at WonderCon 2017.

The AoS panels have typically been fun with great audience interaction. It would be hard to top what happened this year at WonderCon though. The panel started with this shocking reveal of the upcoming storyline (or pod as they call it in SHIELD land) that everyone is Hydra. It then proceeded to include a giant birthday cake, a phone call to a past cast member that turned into an actual appearance, and more.

What panels have surprised you? Let us know in the comments.

You can see all of the previous posts in this series here.

This photo is copyright (All Rights Reserved) by Beth and/or James Riley of GeekShot Photography. It may not be copied, reposted, published, or used in any manner without their written permission.

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