Have you had enough SDCC news this week? We sure haven’t. This edition of Under the Tents has exciting SDCC news from Funko, BAIT, and a call for volunteers from Symbiote Studios.
Here’s a look at what you might have missed:
- Artist Simone Bianchi revealed his SDCC 2018 exclusive sketchbook on Facebook. You can pre-order one of the only 50 copies made starting June 5.
- Menh Voong, the mind behind Beefy & Co., is bringing a new type of plushie to Booth #5051 at SDCC this year – his first plushie with sound: SnorlyPoo. Make sure your sound is turned on for this one.
- Not only is artist Matt Taylor (the artist behind this year’s amazing Marvel 10th anniversary Souvenir Book cover/print) signing at SDCC, it appears he’ll sign just about anything we put in front of him. Hopefully, his signings don’t get awkward.
Haha of course. I will sign anything you put infront of me! Doesn’t even have to have my art on it
— Matt Taylor (@MattTaylorDraws) May 29, 2018
- Did you get your Comic-Con merit badges from Claire Hummel last year? If not, she’ll be back at SDCC again – and promises even more badges – with them this year in Small Press #Q-15.
hi there, and (assuming you mean the Con Rangers badges) yes, absolutely! We’ll have even more badges and merch at Q-15 in Small Press—I’m going to start posting updates over at @conrangers as it gets closer to SDCC 🙂
— Claire Hummel (@shoomlah) May 29, 2018
- Shout! Factory tweeted they will also be back at SDCC this year and to look forward to their announcements soon.
We haven't solidified our plans yet for that Con. We will be at Anime Expo and SDCC this year though. We'll announce what we're selling at those conventions in coming weeks.
— Shout! Factory (@ShoutFactory) May 29, 2018
- Ken Plume was very excited to announce via Twitter that his newest venture with Dark Horse Comics, The Venture Bros., is now a reality and will be released in July. You can order your copy now, and from the looks of things, he may have some with him at SDCC.
Holy s***. It’s real. #GoTeamVenture #VentureBros (Coming this July from @DarkHorseComics. ORDER IT. And see you at @Comic_Con!) pic.twitter.com/otGOtD777z
— Ken Plume (@KenPlume) May 29, 2018
- Artist Stephanie Alia is making progress on her latest piece, Apervithium, which she’s bringing with her to SDCC.
- In space, no one can hear your disappointment in the fact that NECA will not have any Alien-related SDCC exclusives this year.
No Alien exclusive this sdcc https://t.co/TGLbNia84C
— NECA (@NECA_TOYS) May 29, 2018
- Erin Nations, author of Gumballs, has SDCC 2018 listed on his Events page. Unfortunately, details are still TBA, so we’ll keep an eye out for more info.
- Artist Hai-Na-Nu Saulque, better known as Nooligan, also has SDCC 2018 on his Events page.
- Designer collectibles and toy store Woot Bear also has San Diego Comic-Con on their 2018 schedule.
- BroadSword Comics is creating an exclusive NSFW uncensored variant of Jim Balent’s cover for Tarot #110. You can order a glossy edition for $50, chrome edition for $75, gold metal edition for $100, or a bundle of all three variants for $200. Click here to see the NSFW variant and order a copy.
- Star Wars-themed artist Jason W. Christman is bringing his work back to SDCC this year, according to the list of con appearances on his website.
- While BAIT has already started to unveil this year’s San Diego Comic-Con exclusives, it sounds like you’ll be waiting awhile for the next announcement. BAIT told a fan on Twitter that they’ll be announcing more “closer to SDCC”.
Closer to SDCC. We like to stay low profile until we receive our shipments
— BAIT (@BAITme) May 30, 2018
- If you missed your chance to get that coveted San Diego Comic-Con badge, Symbiote Studios may have a deal for you. If you’re willing to volunteer at their booth for a few hours, they’ll get you into the con and shower you with swag. It’s not work when you’re having too much fun playing rock-paper-scissors, right?
#SDCC2018 Volunteers will be needed. If selected you will get into the show and free exclusives from us. Show us a photo of yourself expressing your love for Nick and Lorty. Wait a minute! We have to wait until June to announce the correct name. You know the real name send photos
— Symbiote Studios® | Toy Manufacturer (@symbiotestudios) May 30, 2018
Just a bit of clarification on our request for #SDCC2018 volunteers. No badge needed. We will get you a badge and free toys in return for volunteering for us. Send silly images of yourself with why you want to volunteer.
— Symbiote Studios® | Toy Manufacturer (@symbiotestudios) May 31, 2018
- San Diego toy distributor Seven20 announced via Twitter they will be back at SDCC, but just what they’re bringing remains to be seen.
- I’d like to be under the sea with Otto the Octopus from Bling Squared Cute Glass. They’re cleaning up their latest design to have him ready for SDCC this year.
- Funko, the reigning regent of 2018: Year of the Tease, tweeted this tease that could only be one thing: Jessica Jones.
Time for another #SDCC 2018 exclusive hint! Any guesses? pic.twitter.com/Tij6TDyxMy
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) May 30, 2018
- Fantasy author Sam Sykes announced on Twitter he will be paneling this year at SDCC alongside Sabaa Tahir.
It looks like your old pal Sam Sykes will be at SDCC, doing a panel with @sabaatahir. We’re finally launching our buddy cop comedy.
— Sam Sykes (@SamSykesSwears) May 30, 2018
- Fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender are getting very excited about the prizes to be given out at the Avatar Legacy Fan Panel at SDCC this year.
#SDCC attendees – check out the prizes for the #Avatar Legacy Fan Panel! #AvatarTheLastAirbender #LegendOfKorra #ComicCon #SDCC2018 https://t.co/CasRxLPWg2
— 🥕Spirit (@SiWongDesert) May 29, 2018
Hello Friends! SDCC has given us the official word, so we are good to go for July! I started collecting contest prizes already… 😉 pic.twitter.com/6ACtTJ5QjO
— Avatar_Mom (@gaangster) May 29, 2018
Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.