WonderPost: The Tick, Yoshi Yoshitani, CLAUS Studios, Scott Snyder, Transformers Bumblebee

The days before WonderCon are a whirlwind of planning, packing and traveling, but that doesn’t stop the information from rolling in. We’re here again with a whole post of cool stuff you can look forward to this weekend. Bonus sketches from Justin Harder, 140 pieces of original art from Val Hochberg, 12 feet of cold, hard Bumblebee, and oodles more.

Let’s take a look at the announcements you might have missed:

  • Wondering which actors will be at the Saturday panel for The Tick? The official schedule has been updated to include Peter Serafinowicz, Griffin ewman, Valorie Curry, Scott Speiser, and Brendan Hines. SPOON!

  • Without villains, we would have no heroes. Voice actor Cas Anvar, who will be voicing Ra’s Al Ghul in the animated Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, confirmed his attendance at the panel taking place on Sunday at The Arena.

  • Poe Noir, the graphic anthology inspired by Edgar Allen Poe, will grace us with a brand new issue of horrific havoc at WonderCon.


  • Mount Olympus Comics will be slinging their wares at Small Press table #28. Swing by and you can pick up a matching set of variant covers for their comic Patronika Year One, with at by Mike Krome and Mark Taduran.

  • Val Hochberg has managed to amass 140 pieces of original art (and is working on more) that will be available for sale at WonderCon. Not only that, but they are organized by category. In cute tubs. Val gets the gold star for organization today, well done, Val! Check them out at Artists Alley F-57.

  • If you could visit one only one table at WonderCon, you could hardly do better than artist Yoshi Yoshitani, who will have a mind boggling variety of items for sale. Prints, pins, notepads and more, all available at Artists Alley D-19.




  • Comic book creator Eben Burgoon will have a selection of Starburns Industries books for sale at Small Press table #05, and will also have the convention exclusive Starburns Industries Activity Book.

  • If you were worried that it’s too late to get on a commission list, we have great news. Artist Erik Arreaga is offering commission spots, including blank cover commissions. Don’t procrastinate much longer to contact him to secure your spot.


  • Gotta get that Dark Nights: Metal #1 signed by Scott Snyder? Better plan ahead and make it a priority. As Scott lays out in this tweet, his signings fill up and his pre-signed books sell out quickly. May the odds be ever in your favor.

  • Writer Charles Soule plans on bringing a great selection of his books to sell, but if there is a hole in your collection that you’d like to fill, let him know, he’ll be sure to bring it along. Talk about service!

  • Make some time in your WonderCon trip to “Roll out!” to the Grand Plaza and get your picture taken with a 12′ tall Bumblebee Transformer. Seriously.


Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.