Monkey Minion Press San Diego Comic-Con 2021 Exclusive

“How I wish, how I wish you were here. We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl…” that looks suspiciously like the San Diego Convention Center. The brilliantly talented folks at Monkey Minion Press, Dane Ault and Ashlie Hammond, are more than SDCC artists/exhibitors; they’re fans, too. They miss the Exhibit Hall floor just as much as we do, if not more, and they’ve channeled that into Monkey Minion Press’s Comic-Con@Home 2021 Exclusive: Wish I Was There.

If you share this sentiment, and we’re pretty sure you do, you’ll be proud to display this 13″ x 19″ print to display in your home. For just $50 (and FREE shipping), you can let everyone know you wish you were at San Diego Comic-Con every day (because we know you do). Monkey Minion is only making 40 of these prints, so you’ll want to head to their website right at 12PM PT on Thursday, July 22 to get your copy.

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