Attendee of the Week: Jenson “Jace” Delgado

Every week from now until San Diego Comic-Con, we’re celebrating you: our readers! So let’s meet this week’s Attendee of the Week:

Jenson “Jace” Delgado 


Where are you traveling from? 

I’m local to sunny San Diego.

How many years have you been attending?

I’ve been attending San Diego Comic-Con since 1995. So 25 years. Would have been 27 years if we didn’t have the pandemic. Does going to San Diego Comic-Con Special Edition count?! If so, then, 26 years. Lol!

What was your favorite panel and why?

My all time favorite panel was the Firefly reunion in Ballroom 20. It had laughs, cries, excitement, you name it. That’s one panel that will go down in history as “THE” best for me.

What is your favorite exhibitor or artist booth and why?

My favorite exhibitor is Lego. I’m a huge Lego fan and love everything that they have at SDCC. Especially the minifigs in the Sails Pavilion.

What’s your favorite item you’ve ever taken home from the convention (swag, exclusive, merch, etc.)?

My all time favorite item from SDCC has to be the Lego sets that I get. I know that’s a lame answer but it’s true.

What was your favorite autograph session and why? 

Stan Lee. That was the last time that I got to see him face to face. He’s such an amazing person and I wish I had gotten more autographs from him.

Tell us about your most memorable celebrity encounter? 

Most memorable celebrity encounter had to also be with Stan Lee. He has brought Marvel a long way and to meet him was an honor.

What is (or was) your favorite offsite and why?

In recent memory, my favorite offsite place to go to is Rockin Baja in Downtown. They have amazing food and my friends and I love to frequent that restaurant as much as we can.

What is your favorite thing about San Diego Comic-Con?

This may sound cheese but meeting up with out of town friends. I’ve met so many people during my years attending San Diego Comic-Con, that I’ve become really close friends with them. For some of them, the only time I get to see them is at San Diego Comic-Con.

What are you most excited to see/do/experience at the con after three years away?

I’m most excited to see everyone come back to somewhat of a normal convention experience. I’m ready for all of the amazing cosplay, the crazy large booths like Funko, Lego, and Hasbro. Can’t wait to feel that Hall H vibe (If you’ve never experienced Hall H, then I think it’s time that you do). I want to see the outside activities to partake in the experiences. Hope to be able to get into Funko Fundays (hands down my favorite outside event). Just all around happy that San Diego Comic-Con is back!!

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