Abrams Returns to San Diego Comic-Con 2022 with Exclusives, Signings, More

Publisher ABRAMS will be attending San Diego Comic-Con to engage with fan about their numerous imprints including Abrams ComicArts, Megascope, Surely Books, and Abrams Amulet.

From their mega sized booth at # 1216 and 1217 you’ll find signings and giveaways each day of the convention along with exclusive items available for purchase.

Let’s start with their exclusives:

Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Dawn of Yangchen (Chronicles of the Avatar #3) by F. C. Yee
This SDCC ABRAMS Exclusive Collector’s Edition features a wraparound poster jacket with stunning artwork showcasing Avatar Yangchen.

My Mighty Marvel First Book Boxed Set 
A limited edition boxed set of The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America, the first two books in the My Mighty Marvel First Book series, featuring artwork by Jack Kirby and John Romita Sr. Also includes a collector’s poster. 

ABRAMS will also have first looks of several books, including Marvel Super Heroes: The Ultimate Pop-Up Bookby Matthew Reinhart with 25 amazing pop-ups and 20 interactive elements. Available for preorder and on sale in November.

Books that will be available for purchase before their release date include: Phenomena: The Golden City of Eyes By Brian Michael Bendis and André Lima Araújo, Dune: The Graphic Novel, Book 2 By Frank Herbert, Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson with illustrations by Raúl Allén & Patricia Martin,  The Uncanny X-Men Trading Cards Book, Joseph Smith and the Mormons By Noah Van Sciver, The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror By Matt Groening, Save It for Later Paperback Edition By Nate Powell, Pulp Power By Neil McGinness  and the Bullet Train (Movie Tie-in Edition) By Kotaro Isaka.

Nobody will go away emptyhanded from the ABRAMS booth, there are plenty of giveaways scheduled over the whole event.

SDCC ’22 FREE Giveaways at Abrams Booth #1217
Abrams ComicArts Fall 2022 Preview Booklet –  Available while supplies last.

Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. *while supplies last

  • G.I. Joe Classified, by Kelley Skovron
  • We Are the Smurfs: Welcome to Our Village!, by Peyo
  • Garbage Pail Kids: Welcome to Smellville, by R. L. Stine

Available Thursday at 9:30 a.m. *while supplies last

  • Lightlark ARC, by Alex Aster
  • The Quest for the Unicorn Horn (The Extincts #1) by Scott Magoon
  • Haven’s Secret (The Powers #1) by Melissa Benoist and Jessica Benoist, with Mariko Tamaki

Available Friday at 9:30 a.m. *while supplies last

  • Rube Goldberg and His Amazing Machines by Brandon T. Snider
  • Raybearer, by Jordan Ifueko
  • Wildseed Witch by Marti Dumas

The ABRAMS booth will also hold several signings:


11:30 AM – Matthew Reinhart will sign Marvel Super Heroes: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book Con Exclusive Print [Abrams Booth #1217]

4:30 p.m. – Alex Aster will sign Lightlark Limited Edition Collector’s ARCs [Abrams Booth #1217]

5:30 p.m. – Brian Michael Bendis will sign Phenomena and Brian Fies will sign A Fire Story [Abrams Booth #1217]

6:30 p.m. –Gregory Mone will sign He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: The Hunt for Moss Man [Autographing Area Table 1]


FRIDAY JULY 22, 2022

1:30 p.m. – John Jennings will sign Kindred, Parable of the Sower, and After the Rain, Alverne Ball will sign Across the Tracksand Steven Barnes will sign The Eightfold Path [Abrams Booth #1217]

2:30 p.m. – Mark Evanier and Chip Kidd will sign Fantastic Four No. 1: Panel by Panel [Abrams Booth #1217]

4:30 p.m. – Brandon T. Snider will sign Rube Goldberg and His Amazing Machines [Abrams Booth #1217]



12:00 p.m. – Andrew Aydin, John-Miles Lewis, L. Fury, and Nate Powell will sign Run: Book One [Abrams Booth #1217]

1:30 p.m. – Rose Eveleth will sign Flash Forward [Abrams Booth #1217]

2:00 p.m. – F. C. Yee will sign Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Dawn of Yangchen Con Exclusive Edition [Autographing Area Table 10]

3:00 p.m – Nate Powell will sign Save It for Later and Run: Book One [Abrams Booth #1217]

5:30 p.m. – Mariko Tamaki will sign Lumberjanes #1: Unicorn Power!, Grace Ellis will sign Flung Out of Space, and Talia Dutton will sign M Is for Monster [Abrams Booth #1217]


SUNDAY JULY 24, 2022

1:00 p.m. – Brian Doherty will sign Dirty Pictures [Abrams Booth #1217]


There’s plenty of buy, see and do at the ABRAMS booth, #1216 and #1217, what are you mist excited about?

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