Indie Floor Tour San Diego Comic-Con 2023 [Update July 13]

We all know the big boys of San Diego Comic-Con. Those big, nay GIGANTIC booths with the lights and the flash and the glass displays and the long lines. 

But what if I told you that the most fun could be had at the smaller booths and tables, the ones populated by independent creators, people you don’t even know (yet)? 

Well, that is the spirit in which the Indie Floor Tour 2023 was born. Creator Don Nguyen and a whole host of friends have devised a wonderful way you can get to know many of these people, have fun doing it and maybe even win some prizes.

It’s pretty simple. The map you see below will be distributed at all the participating vendors, as well as at the Freebie Table up in the Sails Pavilion. Pick up a map and make your way from vendor to vendor, exploring the Artist’s Alley, the Exhibit Hall, Small Press and event the Mezzanine. At each stop you’ll collect a FREE item, it could be a bookmark, a mini-comic or a postcard, and you’ll also get a checkmark indicating that you’ve visited. 

Supplies are limited on the free items, but you’ll always be able to collect a checkmark on your map, and that’s what’s MOST important.

Once you’ve got all your checkmarks, head over to (or back to ) #F-01, the table of David Lucarelli. You’ll turn in your map and be entered to win prizes donated by The Comic Bug, DCD Collects and the Comic Art Professional Society. 

[UPDATE July 13]

You like prizes? Well the Indie Floor Tour has prizes. Let’s start with a whole bunch of variant covers from The Comic Bug, including their Mighty Morphin #1 wraparound with a limited print run of 1200.

One lucky winner will receive a copy signed by Jason David Frank, Walter Jones, Cerina Frank, Jason Faunt, Dwayne Cameron, Ryan Parrott and Tom, Tim and Ted DiFilippo.

Here’s the “small print” that you need to keep in mind: Prize drawings will be taking place at the end of the day on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. To be eligible for a drawing your map needs to be turned in 1 hour before the end of the day. If you miss that window, don’t worry! Entries will carry over to the next day’s drawing. So, take your time, there’s no rush! You don’t need to be there for the drawing, but if you win, you must be able to pick up the prize in person. 

Enjoy your tour!


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