The most important thing to do before you go to comic-con is pack and though it might seem easy there are some tips you should know before you close up that suitcase of yours. Here’s the top 10 SDCC packing tips in no real order:
1. Bring Entertainment: Whether its a book, a DS/PSP, or just a good magazine you’re going to need some things to keep you busy while you wait in the huge lines. By the end of the con you’ll have stood in hours of lines and you’re gonna want some stuff to keep it all interesting.
2. Bring Power Bars: Power bars are great to have with you for those days where you have many hours between meals. I would suggest at least one per day.
3. Bring shampoo: You will get sweaty and who knows what weird kind of shampoo you’re hotel will be stocked up with.
4. Bring enough clothes: Your clothes will get sweaty and hot  and you will NEED to change them every day. Make sure you have enough for your entire stay!
5. Bring a swim suit: You’re hotel will most likely have a pool and before or after a stressful day of the con you will probably want to take a dip.
6. Bring your phone: If you are going with someone else you will most likely get split up or lost at some time or will go to different panels and need to meet back up. A phone is a necessity since without it, its almost impossible to find the other person.
7. Dont forget the charger/battery: Whether its a phone, gameboy, or camera, it will probabley run out of power before the con is over. Make sure you have all necessary charging cables or batteries to make it through your entire trip!
8. Bring lots of Money: Even if you think you wont buy anything chances are you might see that gift or exclusive you have to have. Better to have too much money then not enough to get by. You will also need the money for meals each day so pack it wisely.
9. Find a way to protect your money: Whether its a wallet, a clip, or just a tight pocket, find someplace that you can keep your money each day where it won’t fall out or get stolen.
10. LEAVE SPACE! Coming home you will have a ton more stuff then going up so pack another empty suitcase or leave a lot of space in your cureent suitcase for all the stuff you will get during the con.
Hope the tips helped!
Tomorrow is Exhibit Hall Tips!