Under the Tents: Doug Jones, Panels, Charles Soule, Patrick Balleteros, SherlockeDCC

Now that you’re hopefully well-rested from the 3-day weekend, it’s time to kick things into high gear, as we are only FIFTY DAYS (50! Yes, you read that right!) away from San Diego Comic-Con 2019. Panel confirmations went out last week, so we’ve got plenty of panel announcements, as well as news about a Doug Jones signing, artwork you’ll find at the con, and more.

Here’s a look at the news you might have missed:

  • Today’s edition of Under the Tents is really all about panel confirmations, so let’s get right to it. Up first, author Ashkan Karbasfrooshan is moderating a panel on Fair Use & Fan Engagement.

  • The Third Annual Prism Awards, which celebrate diversity and queer comics will be held on Thursday, July 18 at 5PM in Room 28DE – so mark your calendars now.


  • And speaking of queer panels, Chandler Poling revealed that he is also holding a Gay Geeks panel.

  • Publishers Weekly‘s Deb Aoki returns with her annual Best and Worst Manga of the year panel.

  • And finally (for now), Christine Quimbo revealed that she’s co-hosting a panel at San Diego Comic-Con this year — and offered some hints as to what it might be. With a 2,500 capacity, we think that sounds like the Indigo Ballroom (though it could also possibly be 6BCF). And as she states that the panel was very popular at WonderCon, our money is on a return of WonderCon’s “Remembering Stan Lee” panel, which Quimbo co-hosted.


  • Documentary filmmaker Eddie Doty was light on details, but did share you’ll find him on two panels this July.

  • In non panel news… For fans of The Oracle Year author Charles Soule who are attending SDCC, there’s good news: Sounds like you’ll be one of the first people to be able to grab an advanced copy of his novel Anyone, as he’ll be signing autographs and possibly giving some copies away.

  • Yesterday was Memorial Day, and artist Patrick Ballesteros honored the holiday with a new mini-original heading to the con, featuring Captain America himself.

  • We’ve got what just might be our most exciting autograph news to date — which is that actor Doug Jones is pretty sure he’ll be signing these awesome Star Trek: Discovery ornaments at the Hallmark booth.

  • Artist Ben Lee is bringing back his SDCC scavenger hunt this year, and will be giving away signed copies of the first issue of his comic Lost in the Middle from Big Head Productions. Want to follow along? Find him on both Instagram and Twitter.

  • The game is afoot! SherlockeDCC, the Sherlock themed San Diego Comic-Con scavenger hunt, has nailed down some of its prize sponsors.

  • Brian Richard — also known as the artist MonkeyMan — will once again be a part of the Comic-Con Art Show, with brand new prints. Head over the Manchester Grand Hyatt to check it out.



Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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