Under the Tents: Geeky Hooker, Tom Hodges, Nan Hockin, Munky King Toys, Baladi Jewelry

It’s been a wild and crazy week in the world of Comic-Con news, and we’re only getting started. Buckle in for the next 40 days. However, for today, we’ve got plenty of news coming at you, including crochet critters, Luke Chueh toys, adorable artwork, commissions lists, and so much more.

Here’s a look at the news you might have missed:

  • Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can… The OG Queen of Crochet, Geeky Hooker, is back with TWO new drops heading to San Diego Comic-Con this year, with Spider-Man and Spider-Ham. To follow along to try to win the critters, make sure you’re following her on either Twitter or Facebook.

  • Writer and editor Andy Mangels is once again planning on the 33rd year of the annual Out in Comics panel — and if you are an LGBTQ comics professional, hit him up.
  • Artist David Colman is heading back to SDCC next month, where he’ll have originals and more. Keep an eye out for his commission list as well, which is opening in a few weeks.


  • Speaking of commissions, artist Tom Hodges pre-commission list is now open. Hodges does amazing work, so if you’re looking for something truly unique, be sure to contact him.


  • Artist Josh Warner of Hanging Chad Entertainment has also opened his commission list, for pick-up at Small Press L-09. The moose is loose — so don’t miss your chance to get a commission from Warner.

  • We love artist Nan Hockin’s adorable style, and she’s bringing plenty of cuties to the con, including button/postcard sets for all your favorite teas, donuts, and fast food.




  • Munky King Toys is hittin’ the road for San Diego Comic-Con — and so is this adorable Luke Chueh Ghost Bear Road Trip set.



  • The good folks at Badali Jewelry have been busy prepping for San Diego Comic-Con, with new originals from H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulu.


  • Card game artist Michael McComb has been busy working on his The Realms of Mindrin Wars card game, and he’s heading to San Diego Comic-Con with it. He’ll also be bringing an 8’x12′ banner to stand behind the table, representing the game.


Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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