How #SDCC got better and what it still needs to do!

Another comic-con has passed and though it’s only been a day, i’m taking a look back at 5 ways this years con was better than others and 5 ways it could improve. Here we go:

How Comic-Con was better:
1. Better security: For the first year it seemed like security actually knew what was going on. Sure there were some idiots but it was a lot better than previous years.
2. Food: Breakfast Boxes saved my con! The Hilton Bayfront sold $8 Breakfast boxes which were pretty good but saved me an hour each morning. Sure the last one I got didn’t have utensils but they were still a great timesaver!
3. Staffing: The con seemed to have a lot more volunteers this year that were everywhere and helped with everything from crowd control to giving out directions. They were really helpful!
4. Variety: Sure the con has a big variety every year but this year it really started to show! There was music. video games, big TV shows, small Tv Shows, Million dollar hits, and small indies. The con was an amazing hodgepodge this year!
5. Stars: Every year the con gets more star power and this year was no different. Great job with the stars!


How Comic-Con was worse:
1. Strollers: It seemed every parent in San Diego had come out to con with the biggest stroller they could get! They pushed people aside throughout the exhibit hall and used them as their free passes to anywhere. SDCC needs to make a no stroller rule!
2. Timing: They seemed to have a big problem with keeping things on time. Usually H would be 15-30 minutes behind schedule and people outside would have no idea what’s going on. It could also mean missed panels so SDCC really needs to get it together with times!
3. Crowds: There are too many people. I love San Diego but a lot of times this week i felt like i wouldn’t mind vegas that much! 2 hour lines. Complete shut outs. Mass hysteria. All occurred but could have been fixed by more space. Time to solve the problem.
4. Hall H: Hall H was great but they really need to get people in and out faster. The transitions are scheduled for 15 minutes but usually end up at 30. Causing people to get into the panels late! They need to find a way to hurry these lines up!
5. Food: Can we get one real resturant in the convention center? Take away some cookie stands and get in a real place! That’s all i’m asking foor!


Overall it was a great year and I can’t wait till next year but lets make it even better!

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