The Movies of Comic-Con 2010! Part 1

One of the biggest aspects of Comic-Con are the movies. Each year Hall H packs in more celebrities, footage, and reveals then the year before and 2010 is no different. In Part 1 of this post I will break down the films that will almost definitely be at this year’s con. These are the movies that studios or filmmakers have formally said will be coming down to San Diego in July. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, here are many of the films of Comic-Con 2010.

Green Lantern – Though boring set pics have been slowly trickling out, Comic-Con is the first place where this massive film will really be released to the public and people are giddy. The first teaser trailer, pictures of Ryan Reynolds in the costume, and even an appearance by Reynolds himself are all a good possibility as DC Comics knows this is an awesome place to rope in their fans. Don’t be afraid to line up hours before the panel to grab a seat for this one as it is sure to be one of the most popular events of the con.

Thor – The other massive superhero film making a debut at this year’s con, Marvel has promised big things for Thor and attendees are already excited. A debut trailer is very likely, but many clear pictures of the sets and costumes that insiders have been raving about might finally be revealed. Expect Paramount and Marvel to bring out the film in full force as they try to overshadow Green Lantern (A DC character). Having costumes or portions of the set on display in the exhibit hall would also be a great way to please the fans. Who doesn’t want to take a picture with Thor’s hammer?

Tron Legacy – Comic-Con has always been a big place for Tron Legacy. In 2009 they showed test footage to an unknowing audience and blew them all away. Last year they again showed the test footage (this time in 3D), but also added concept art, the first clip, and a full size arcade complete with a secret door that led to a full size lightcycle (the highlight of many people’s con). This year Disney is expected to have more of a presence then ever before with the movie releasing in December. A brand new (and full-length) trailer is a given, but the true question is how far Disney will go. Will we see an extended clip of the film? How can they top the arcade from last year? Is an appearance by Daft Punk (who are scoring the film) a possibility? All we know now is that attendees should expect a heck of a lot from Tron Legacy come SDCC.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) – Conflicting schedules have left the Potter films unable to attend previous cons but now that Part 1 is getting ready for its November release date, Warner Brothers is primed and ready to please all the franchise fans at the con. New trailers and clips would get people excited, but don’t be surprised if WB brings out much of the cast during their panel. WB knows this would drive fans crazy and they have a history of bringing out their biggest talent (Robert Downey Jr, Denzel Washington). There is absolutely no doubt that this is going to be a panel people are talking about.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – Scott Pilgrim is a film coming to Comic-Con ready to blow people away. Though internet reaction to the trailers has been ecstatic, the fledgling Universal is hoping for big money from this Graphic Novel adaptation and they know SDCC is a place to really set off the buzz. Expect it to go down the path of last year’s District 9 with a packed off-site screening, tons of advertising around the con, and a panel that will include clips and stars. If the film is anywhere near as good as the trailers or graphic novels, it will be leaving Comic-Con as the highlight of many people’s trips.

Green Hornet – After shuffling release dates, losing one of it’s stars (Stephen Chow), and receiving some mediocre insider buzz, The Green Hornet is coming to SDCC hoping to convince attendees it’s something special. Seth Rogen has already guaranteed they will have a big presence and attendees should expect both an appearance by Rogen and the premiere of new and possibly 3D trailer and clips. If director Michel Gondry also attends with Rogen, expect a fun panel that is sure to be entertaining. Keep an eye on this Sony-produced flick.

Battle: Los Angeles – Save for a few production photos, not much is known about this sci-fi war film. Early buzz has been good though, and Sony has moved it into the March 2011 spot that made 300 a massive hit. The first trailer has been prepared for an SDCC premiere and an appearance by star Aaron Eckhart is sure to send Dark Knight fans into a tizzy. Could this big budget action movie blow unsuspecting audiences away and be one of the surprise hits of Comic-Con? Colombia sure hopes so.

Megamind – Though the trailers for this supervillain comedy look horrendous, Dreamworks is coming off the excellent How To Train Your Dragon and many fans might just put their faith in the studio and see what they have in store. Expect a batch of clips at the film’s panel but the big question is if stars Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, or Will Ferrell might make an appearance. Though the movie looks bad, an appearance by them would easily make the panel a must see.

Resident Evil: Afterlife – There’s not much you can say about the fourth entry into this Sony franchise. Director Paul WS Anderson and star Milla Jovovich are sure to make an appearance and the film is guaranteed to bring some cool 3D trailers/clips to show, but the real deciding factor for many fans will be if Wentworth Miller will make an appearance to discuss his new character Chris Redfield. Fans of the franchise are sure to be in attendance, but the real test will be if the panel can draw in and impress other attendees.

Thanks for reading and now check out Part 2 where we discuss movies that have the possibility of attending the con!

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