Take a Look at My Pre-Preview Night Photos (Banners, Cars, Etc.)

Because I got into San Diego so early I took a stroll around San Diego taking pictures and looking at all the cool Comic-Con things I could find. A lot of stuff wasn’t open yet and was under construction (Flynn’s and the Machete Taco Truck), but I still saw some interesting things.

Click each picture to see it larger.

  • Red Faction: Armageddon Banner – This half-completed banner was on the front of the Omni Hotel facing the Convention Center. It’s quite weird that they aren’t done with it yet (and I didn’t see anyone working on it), but maybe by tomorrow morning it will be completed.

  • Scott Pilgrim Banner – Gracing the front of the Hilton Bayfront, this massive poster covers over half of the hotel. It’s really impressive and is viewable by almost anywhere near the Convention Center.

  • Scott Pilgrim Experience – Because it doesn’t open until tomorrow, the Experience was still heavy in construction but a stage and big posters were visible.

  • Green Hornet Garage – The garage opens tonight so most of it was already set up. Though it’s hard to see in this picture, there were tons of cool cars and motorcycles in the garage and I’m really excited to see it tonight. If you look on the right side of the picture, one car is visible.

  • Green Hornet Car – Sony also looked like it was setting up a stage outside the Hard Rock for a Green Hornet event and had the Black Beauty on hand. I got this picture while it was driving around and if you look at the hood of the car you can clearly see the mounted machine guns.

  • Battle: Los Angeles – The outside of the Hard Rock had a variety of Battle themed posters. They basically showed all the different “alien sightings” around Los Angeles throughout the ages. The final image if for the actual film and pictured below. It’s hard to see but the site at the bottom is http://reportthreats.org/, a kind of viral site for Battle: Los Angeles.

Preview night begins soon so check back late tonight for a full recap on that.

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