Will Studio Problems Stop The Cabin in the Woods and Let Me In From Attending SDCC?

Though many attendees might think that movies can just roll in to Comic-Con and have a panel, it’s actually a ton of work for the studios. They have to organize their talent, prepare footage, book hotel rooms, fly out everyone involved, and probably set up a booth in the exhibit hall. This becomes an issue when a studio’s funds and management are weak; and this is just what is happening for Let Me In and Cabin in the Woods.

Let Me In is the American remake of the popular 2008 Swedish film Let the Right One In. Starring Chloe Moretz (Hit-Girl in Kick-Ass) and Kodi Smitt-McPhee (The Road), the film centers around a young vampire girl, played by Moretz, befriending a bullied boy played by Smitt-McPhee. Though many were wary of this remake because of the beloved original, the recent trailer (seen here) restored hope as the film looks to be very faithful to the original, sans terrible trailer music. A vampire-themed horror film would likely be a good fit for SDCC’s ever expanding repertoire of films, but the flick is produced by Overture, whose two founders and chiefs just resigned. Though the film is almost completed and will be released in October, a panel is no longer expected for the film. This is because Overture is plagued with a lack of solid leadership and dwindling funds and it is highly unlikely they will be able to muster the effort to bring anything to the con.

The Cabin in the Woods is facing an even more dismal fate. Completely finished and currently being converted to 3D, this horror flick is Comic-Con gold as it was Co-Written and Produced by Joss Whedon. In addition, not a single production photo, trailer, or clip has been released so far and SDCC would be the perfect place to start the buzz. Unfortunately the film is being released by MGM who, having completely run out of money and with debt building up, has indefinitely delayed all of their upcoming films. This leaves Cabin without even a release date, much less a panel at the con.

Though nothing is completely finalized, anyone hoping to see either of these films at SDCC is likely to end up disappointed.

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