Zack Young here, Editor in Chief of SDCC Blog, telling you about some big changes for the site. Unfortunately I recently learned I’d be out of the country for the entire month of July and not only will I be missing the con, my work on the site will be over until next year. Don’t despair though, the future is bright! Jeremy Rutz (@SpotAnime) has volunteered to take over the big duties at the site. He’ll be operating the @SD_Comic_Con twitter, answering questions at [email protected], and keeping you up to date on all the Con news as it happens. Luckily he won’t be doing it alone as we’ve gathered four top notch contributors to make the site even bigger and better.
Lydia Schoenberger will be covering all the latest con happening that relate to webseries and webcomics, Sara Irvin will be helping Jeremy out with movie and TV news, Tony Kim will be writing a few posts on Comic-Con fandom that will also appear on his awesome Crazy4ComicCon blog, and James (AKA GeekShotPhoto) will be writing about SDCC photography, Browncoat activities, and a con retrospective (he’s been going since 1995)! Click over to the About Us page for a short bio on each or just stay tuned to the Blog throughout June and July for more great Comic-Con content!