Artists Auction Off Work To Support Artist Alley Coordinator Clydene Nee

Artist Alley Coorindator Clydene Nee
Artist Alley Coorindator Clydene Nee

As many of you might reminder, last year, the Comic-Con community banded together to help out long-time volunteer, and the coordinator for Artist Alley since 1989, Clydene Nee.

After Nee suffered from kidney failure in 2014, and although last year, the Comic-Con crowd managed to raise $26,855 in order to help cover the cost of her medical bills – but it hasn’t covered the full cost of her health care. So this year, several of the artists that Nee has helped in Artist Alley have joined together again in support of their friend.

As first reported by Bleeding Cool, artists Adam Hughes, Theresa Mather, Patrick Block, Randy Martinez, Gabriel P. Hernandez, Ashleigh Popplewell, David W. Miller, and others, are auctioning off original artwork on eBay, with proceeds going toward Nee to help cover the cost of her medical bills.

Adam Hughes Wonder Woman print

There are some very exciting pieces in the bunch, but one of the most interesting pieces is a print and the original sketch of a work by Hughes, meant as a promo for the Joss Whedon Wonder Woman movie that never happened. The print was originally available at San Diego Comic-Con back in 2005, but the sketch is the original pencil artwork, signed by Hughes.

Bids are currently ongoing through tonight, so be sure to check out all of the auctions on eBay.

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