5th Annual SDCC Star Wars Fan Breakfast Announced

GeekShot Exclusive Series Vol 2 Week 16 - WonderCon 2015 Star Wars protest Jawa Stormtrooper cosplay[UPDATE] All tickets for the Star Wars Fan Breakfast are now sold out, and the waitlist is filled.

You might just need the force to gain entry into this offsite, but it’s worth it.

Each year, rabid Star Wars fans await news from Star Wars Action News on how to score attendance to the annual Star Wars Fan Breakfast, as spots go lightning fast – and for those fast enough, we’ve just learned that the 5th Annual star Wars Fan Breakfast will take place on Friday, July 10, at 7:30AM at the Edgewater Grill in Seaport Village. Tickets are $40, with $15 of that money going to a donation for Rancho Obi-Wan.

To register, you’ll need to donate the $15 now on their site, and the remaining $25 will be paid in cash directly to the Edgewater Grill the morning of the event. Ticket sales will close in one week, and this event always sells out – so make sure that you jump on it.

You can read more about the event, including door prizes and an exclusive Rancho Obi-Wan and Star Wars Action News patch, on their site, or by watching this video:

Visit Star Wars Action News Fan Breakfast event page ASAP to get a spot.

If you’ve not attended this offsite before, it’s definitely a highlight to consider. The commitment of the SWAN team to put together outstanding events with awesome prize giveaways is well documented so it’s worth your precious SDCC time.

Will you be attending the Star Wars Fan Breakfast? Let us know in the comments

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