GeekShot Exclusive Photo Series Vol. 2 (Week 24)

GeekShot Exclusive Series Vol 2 Week 24 - WB Booth Supernatural Jensen Ackles Jared Padelecki Mark Sheppard Misha Collins signing autograph crowd

Welcome to the GeekShot Photo Exclusive Series. This will be a weekly post featuring cool, interesting, or just plain awesome moments we have captured during San Diego Comic-Con and WonderCon. Each week we’ll post a photo by Beth or James of GeekShot Photography. We may include a short story about the photo, but sometimes we’ll just let the photo speak for itself.

About This Photo

The Supernatural cast signing at the WB booth at San Diego Comic-Con 2014.

The main purpose of the photo this week is to give you an idea of just how crowded the exhibit floor can be around the large booths. As you can see, the only breathing room is inside the booth itself. The aisles are completely crowded with people walking by and/or trying to get photos.

The proper thing to do during a signing at booths like this is to either keep moving, snapping a photo as you go, or don’t even go near it. If you aren’t interested in any signings, avoiding the booth at the right times only requires a little investigation. Check out our Announced Autograph/Signing post or visit the booth on preview night to see if they’ve posted their schedule. Then you can go to the booth the rest of the weekend when there isn’t a signing and hopefully face less of a crowd.

Unfortunately, the show floor always has a crowd of some level. You can move around but there are plenty of booths that create crowds due to exclusives, giveaways, cool displays/products, and of course, the signings. If you are trying to get somewhere, have in mind where those booths are and try to avoid the area. You can also use the back aisle of the hall, the lobby, or even the front sidewalk to get from one side of the exhibit floor to the other without dealing with excessive booth crowds.

You can also help lessen the crowds by doing just one thing. If you stop for any reason, to look at a booth, chat with a friend, or get a photo of some cosplay, you should move to the side of the aisle. Anyone stopping in the middle of the aisle will cause a problem and aggravate those around them trying to get through. Don’t be that person.

Overall, just remember that there are thousands of other people attending the con. It’s up to all of us to treat each other with respect and courtesy. Go forth and have fun!

What’s the worst crowd you’ve seen on the show floor? Let us know in the comments.

You can see all of the previous posts in this series here.

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