GeekShot Exclusive Photo Series Vol. 2 (Week 29)

GeekShot Exclusive Series Vol 2 Week 29 A - Superman Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice logo costume prop GeekShot Exclusive Series Vol 2 Week 29 A - Wonder Woman Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice logo costume propGeekShot Exclusive Series Vol 2 Week 29 A - Batman Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice logo costume prop

Welcome to the GeekShot Photo Exclusive Series. This will be a weekly post featuring cool, interesting, or just plain awesome moments we have captured during San Diego Comic-Con and WonderCon. Each week we’ll post a photo by Beth or James of GeekShot Photography. We may include a short story about the photo, but sometimes we’ll just let the photo speak for itself.

About This Photo

Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman costume detail at the DC booth at San Diego Comic-Con 2015.

Sometimes you just have to find a different way to take photos at SDCC. The display cases for the Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice costumes at the DC booth were horrible. They reflected the lights from almost any angle and made it difficult to get a nice photo. I decided to try something different and these 3 photos are the result.

As you can see, I still didn’t manage to eliminate the reflection problem entirely. There are bring spots and glares on every photo. But I felt the focus on just the logos of each costume were worth putting up with those problems.

You can see the detail used on the costumes for the movie. I really like that there’s battle damage on the Batman and Wonder Woman pieces while Superman’s is pristine. It lends authenticity to their characters and how they will be portrayed.

Did you capture any costumes/displays in a unique way? Let us know in the comments.

You can see all of the previous posts in this series here.

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