You Don’t Need to Use the Force to Get These Ninjabot Buttons


Our friends at The Ninjabot — Portland-based illustrators who put their own unique spin on everything from superhero origin stories to pop culture-ized cats — are back at San Diego Comic-Con this year, and they’re bringing lots of awesome things for attendees.

Although their San Diego Comic-Con exclusive poster for this year is still to be revealed (soon!), this morning they gave attendees the first look at their free, exclusive daily buttons — and just like last year, they’ll be Star Wars themed. This year’s schedule features:

  • Wednesday: Phasma
  • Thursday: General Organa
  • Friday: Finn
  • Saturday: C-3PO
  • Sunday: R2-D2
  • Every Day Special: Kylo Ren (Free with any $10 purchase)

These buttons will go fast, so make sure you stop by Small Press L-08 early each day to get your hands on these buttons. Look for a contest early next week for how to get your hands on the buttons another way as well.

If you missed out on last year’s awesome button set, they’ll also be available at The Ninjabot’s booth for purchase.

If you just can’t get enough of The Ninjabot (and really, we can’t blame you), they’ll also be opening commissions on Friday, July 1 at 10AM PT. There will be a limited amount of slots open, so the faster you get your name on the list, the better.

This year, they’re offering two different options:

  • $50 for a 4″x6″ Watercolor, and inked, Headshot or a Pop Cat, which includes a free frame.
  • $70 for a 5″x7″  Watercolor, and inked, Headshot or a Pop Cat, which includes a free frame

If you wait to request a commission at the show, the prices go up to $60 and $80, respectively. All pre-order payments will be sent through PayPal, and all commissions must be picked up at SDCC.


Are you excited about The Ninjabot’s San Diego Comic-Con offerings? Let us know in the comments.

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