In our around the clock pre-coverage of SDCC 2016, we brought you news of Entertainment Weekly’s Con-X, a new offsite that took place at the Embarcadero Marina Park North. This isn’t to be confused with the EW Con-X preview night concert which took place at Horton Plaza with Troye Sivan, which was a separate event that required a ticket for entry (though we did hear tale of them pulling folks in off the street for that, so mileage may vary).
Con-X was held Thursday – Sunday and was open to the general public with a spotlight stage that featured several guests each day. I made the lengthy trek from convention center to Con-X on Saturday afternoon, figuring it would be packed for SDCC favorite Gerard Way. There was no line to get into the offsite whatsoever – they did a bag check and I was on my way, which in a year that featured overnight campers for both the Game of Thrones and Suicide Squad offsites, is awesome.

After walking in, it was apparent not many people had made their way over to latest offsite to be added to San Diego, but it only benefited the people that had as it was a pretty cool area. First stop was the spotlight stage as Gerard Way was already talking about his upcoming project with DC Comics. The crowd all sat in the grassy area in front of the stage with no more than 50 people in attendance.
Con-X offered a few other stations that people could check out for free swag. The SweeTARTS truck was on-site, allowing for attendees to make their own flavor of the candy using 3-D printing technology. The free t-shirt booth was by far the most crowded, but if you were willing to wait, you’d score a pretty cool shirt. Krispy Kreme Donuts had a huge bus on site giving out donuts and if you needed to wash them down, a hydration station presented by Schick Hydro wasn’t too far to fill up your water bottle.
Maybe the most useful thing found at Con-X was the Super Solar Power recharge stations. Two stations were hooked up to several benches with multiple outlets, allowing you to take a break and recharge your electronics without fear of being yelled at by security (you know what I’m talking about).
I’m probably letting the cat out of the bag on this offsite but if it returns next year, it is worth making the walk around the marina for.
Did you visit Entertainment Weekly’s Con-X? Let us know below in the comments.