Under the Tents: Eisner Awards, The Ninjabot, Brian Kesinger, Mary Bellamy, Amy Mebberson,

Now is the winter of our discontent. Wait, winter? This is San Diego; it’s always summer here. Summer brings sunshine, warmth, surf, and of course, Comic-Con. The only discontent we could have would be one thing: Hotelpocalypse. We saw tears of joy and sorrow when Round 1 of email notifications went out this past Monday. If you didn’t get anything, don’t despair just yet. We still have Round 2 to look forward to on May 8.

While you were frantically hitting the refresh button on your Inbox, we still scoured the Internet for any SDCC-related news.

Here’s a look at what you might have missed:

  • Once again, one of the cornerstones of Comic-Con, The Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards Nominees have been announced. This year’s judges – which include Alan Campbell, Rob Clough, Jamie Newbold, Robert Moses Peaslee, Dawn Rutherford, and Martha Thomases – made up this year’s nominee choices, and you can find out the winners live at San Diego Comic-Con. Hop on over to Comic-Con International’s dedicated page for more detailed information and this year’s full list of nominees.

  • The Ninjabot announced they are working on some new Mini Pop Cat originals for SDCC this year. Find them in the Small Press area at Booth #L-08, and keep an eye out on June 1 when they open up their commission list.


  • Prolific artist Mary Bellamy tweeted that she is “furiously working” on new material for SDCC. Judging by her latest My Little Pony cover, her fury is paying off. Find her at Small Press Booth #N-04.


  • Artist Brian Kesinger revealed the designs for the first Otto and Victoria collectible pin set, which will be debuting at San Diego Comic-Con.


  • Mindy Wheeler tweeted her con schedule for this year, which includes SDCC, of course. Find her in Artist Alley, Table #GG-13, and maybe one of those signed pieces could be yours.


  • Sadly, Zen Monkey Studios announced via Twitter that they will not be at SDCC this year. All is not lost, however, as they will have exclusive pins available with Oni Press. They also hinted that may have some “stuff” available at a potential Rick and Morty panel, so stay tuned for more info as we find it.




  • Finally (for this post), IDW’s Ghostbusters writer Erik Burnham reminds us there are only 12 weeks until Comic-Con – which suggests we may be seeing him at the convention. As if we need a reminder. It’s good to know we’re not the only ones keeping track.

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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