GeekShot Exclusive Photo Series Vol. 4 (Week 15.1)

Welcome to the GeekShot Photo Exclusive Series. This will be a regularly recurring post featuring cool, interesting, or just plain awesome moments we have captured during San Diego Comic-Con and WonderCon over the years. Each post will include a photo by Beth or James of GeekShot Photography. We may include a short story about the photo, but sometimes we’ll just let the photo speak for itself.

About This Photo

Jason Momoa at the Aquaman segment of the WB panel during San Diego Comic-Con 2017.

With his typical attitude, Jason Momoa is a bit of a rock star at conventions. He took it to a literal level upon his arrival to the Hall H stage this year.

His entrance was in grand style, running from the back of the hall through the center aisle before going on stage. There was music and spotlights to follow him through the hall. When he made it on stage, he used his trident to play air guitar before spiking it on the stage. It was the kind of entrance that leaves an impression.

Those of us in the press section were given advance notice he would be entering this way. It didn’t do me much good until he got on stage though since everyone stood and there was no way to actually see him unless you were close enough to the aisle. Once he was on stage, though, we got a great performance. The lighting was dramatic, but that also means it was difficult to shoot. As you can see, I was not quite prepared for the bright light and the photos are overexposed in some parts. It wasn’t too bad though and I got lucky enough to capture these photos.

Now if only I had been prepared when Gal Gadot walked right in front of me a few minutes later. The rest of the cast of Justice League entered from the back of the hall as well and Gal walked down the side I was on to get ready while Momoa was talking about Aquaman. Oh well. It was dark and the photos probably wouldn’t have been that good. I have some while she was on stage that I’m sure will make it into a GeekShot post eventually. Beth has posted one already.

Who impressed you with their entrance to a panel at SDCC? Let us know in the comments.

You can see all of the previous posts in this series here.

This photo is copyright (All Rights Reserved) by Beth and/or James Riley of GeekShot Photography. It may not be copied, reposted, published, or used in any manner without their written permission.


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