w00tstock Not Happening for San Diego Comic-Con 2018

Over the last seven years, w00tstock has become something of a San Diego Comic-Con tradition for many – but sadly, the variety show (hosted/created by Wil Wheaton, Adam Savage, and Paul and Storm) won’t be returning to San Diego Comic-Con this year.

Musical comedy duo Paul and Storm announced today that “due to scheduling/availability issues, there will not be a w00tstock at this year’s SDCC”.

Although w00tstock originally began in 2009 in San Francisco, since 2011, the now-annual event has been held during Comic-Con. This year would have marked version 10.0 for the event – but it’s unclear if they’ll be looking for a new location for 2018, or simply postponing w00tstock 10.0 until July 2019.

How do you feel about w00tstock not happening this year? Let us know in the comments.

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