Attendee of the Week: Katie Moeller

Every week from now until San Diego Comic-Con, we’re celebrating you: our readers! So let’s meet this week’s Attendee of the week:

Katie Moeller


Where are you traveling from?

North Hollywood (neighborhood in LA)

How many years have you been attending?

I’ve attended the con with my crew every single year since 2011.

What was your favorite panel and why?

It’s hard to top the spontaneity of The Edge of Tomorrow panel during WB’s Saturday Hall H a few years back. Tom Cruise was in attendance and early in the panel, he noticed that Bill Paxton was in the audience with his daughter. Even though Bill was just casually enjoying the con, Tom pulled him up on stage and made him do all his famous movie quotes – “Game over, man” etc. It was hilarious and amazing, and really exemplified why you have to be in Hall H for the Saturday panels, because you never know what’s going to happen. It’s also a sentimental favorite for me because Bill passed away not too much time after that. He was such a good sport – makes me very sad to think Hall H will never get to host him again, but I’m grateful I have this special memory to think back on!

What is your favorite exhibitor or artist booth and why?

I always love seeing what the WETA booth has in store every year, from a life size Gollum statue to the weapons from World of Warcraft. The year that the first movie in the Hobbit trilogy came out, they featured gigantic cave troll replicas looming larger than life in the convention hall. It was extra epic (and super helpful as a landmark for finding your group…).

What’s your favorite item you’ve ever taken home from the convention (swag, exclusive, merch, etc.)?

I was beyond stoked to nab a Mr. Robot t-shirt from the offsite VR experience a few years ago. Not only was it the best overall offsite I’ve ever been to at the con, but the t-shirt is just like the ones Christian Slater’s character wears on the show. Numerous cosplays have ensued based around it.

What was your favorite autograph session and why?

I always love seeing the Supernatural boys. One year, they were really yukking it up with the crowd and interacting with the line. The only problem was that the crowd in the convention hall got rowdy fast – it was the closest to a mob scene I’ve ever experienced, but very worth it to glimpse what it’s like hanging out with Jensen, Jared, and Misha.

What is your favorite con snack?

I eat my body weight in pretzels outside Hall H every year, and I admit I scarf a lot of hot dogs, too. But my very favorite treat for the week is a breakfast burrito to start the days off from Broken Yolk in the Gaslamp. Nothing replenishes more when you’re standing in line at 6 am than their tasty burritos and coffee.

Tell us about your most memorable celebrity encounter?

Early one Sunday morning, Misha Collins from Supernatural brought the Hall H line coffee and donuts and personally served (probably) at least 1000 people. It was pretty cool and he was so funny and nice – like he went jogging and then just dropped by to have a cup of Joe with us. My friend and I are huge Supernatural fans (and have cosplayed a few times – she has even gone as Castiel) so getting to interact with Misha like that was so special.

What is (or was) your favorite offsite and why?

Aside from the Mr Robot VR experience, hand’s down, Legendary’s Godzilla offsite was the coolest. In addition to amazing production design and a bajillion easter eggs, it was also really surprising and scary when the big lizard himself popped up outside the (simulated) window and roared – it felt like being in the movie!

What is your favorite restaurant in downtown San Diego?

Easy – the sports bar/restaurant Werewolf has the best food, service, and top notch activities every night of the con, including karaoke and a Ghostbusters party. We start off every year there on the first night and typically go at least a couple more times over the course of the week.

What is your favorite Comic-Con memory/moment?

Getting into Hall H on Saturday for the first time is probably my peak Con experience. We waited in line for hours in the dark, cold, etc, then just made it into the building in time for the first panel. We were exhausted but the adrenaline was totally rocking and we laughed and screamed our way through the morning until the WB panel blew our minds – it was the year that Godzilla was announced and a slew of other amazing projects. It’s always a win to get into Hall H on Saturday, but it’s never been quite as exhilarating as that first year.

Do you have any advice for a first time attendee?

There are endless possible things to do and see at the Con, so if you can’t get into something, just keep going and you’ll find another amazing activity. I find the best con experience is one where you don’t have a rigid plan for what you want to accomplish, but instead just roll with the flow.


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