Attendee of the Week: Scott Mueller

Every week from now until San Diego Comic-Con, we’re celebrating you: our readers! So let’s meet this week’s Attendee of the week:

Scott Mueller


Where are you traveling from?

I live in Escondido. About 25 minutes from the convention center. I drive down every day at the crack of dawn.

How many years have you been attending?

This will be my 11th year attending the con.

What was your favorite panel and why?

There was a panel for the TV show Psych and Curt Smith from Tears for Fears performed with the cast at the beginning of the panel. It was my introduction to the show and I became a lifelong fan of the show

What is your favorite exhibitor or artist booth and why?

I really don’t have a favorite. I really enjoy the smaller booths where you can interact with writers and talent from really great comics and shows that are just getting their start

What’s your favorite item you’ve ever taken home from the convention (swag, exclusive, merch, etc.)?

I have a drinking horn from the show Vikings that I still use to this day for drinking when friends come over. It took a lot to get the horn and it will always remind me of the great experiences from that year at the con.

What was your favorite autograph session and why?

This is a little bit of a long story and I’m not the best writer but it was epic. My daughter and I were walking near the Hard Rock Hotel when I noticed some really large security men at the door. A few minutes later Ryan Reynolds came out and got into a black SUV. We got some great pictures. There was some delay in him leaving and my daughter put her face to the window of the SUV and Ryan was waving at my daughter. She began making heart shapes with her hands and she said he was doing it back. She was thrilled. Fast forward to 3 hours later on the floor of the con. This is before they started using wristbands for entries to the floor autographs. We were near the booth where the autograph signing for Green Lantern was and I got into the autograph line but my daughter did not. There was a camera showing Ryan on a big screen while he was signing. When I got to Ryan for the autograph I asked him if he remembered the girl that was looking into the SUV that they rode to the convention center. He said yes and he asked if it was the girl that made heart shapes with her hands. While he was answering he made a heart with his hands and my daughter saw him doing it on the screen. I could hear my daughter screaming with delight somewhere out in the crowd. He signed a poster personalizing it to my daughter with hearts all over it. We have framed it and it is hung in her room. It was an amazing chain of events that led to a once in a lifetime experience.

What is your favorite con snack?

I love the Subway sidewalk sandwiches. It’s fast and it fills you up without spending a lot of time at a restaurant.

Tell us about your most memorable celebrity encounter?

I am a big fan of Breaking Bad and I wear a cosplay as Heisenberg from the show. Breaking Bad was having an autograph signing but I was unable to get in for the signing. I walked by the booth where the signing was about 10 times. On my last pass Bryan Cranston left the signing line and came over to me and he said the cosplay was awesome. I was able to take a selfie with him that was one of my best moments at the con.

What is (or was) your favorite offsite and why?

This is sort of a panel, but it was offsite. There was an offsite for Mr. Robot at Petco Park that the cast was going to be at and there was going to be a virtual reality video that was premiering at the event. I arrived at Petco around 5AM and was second in line behind Kerry Dixon. After a long wait Kerry and I ended up being in the first row for the event. When the cast was there and they were great. When it was time for the virtual reality video the cast came into the crowd and sat right in front of us. I got to shake hands with Rami Malek and Christian Slater. It was a moment I will never forget. [Editor’s Note: I do not pick our Attendees of the Week, but I was definitely not mad when I saw who was chosen]

What is your favorite restaurant in downtown San Diego?

I really enjoy eating at the Fox Sports grill in the Hilton Bayfront. It’s close to the action and the food is good and many industry people stop by for drinks.

What is your favorite Comic-Con memory/moment?

Every year there are great memories. It’s hard to call one my favorite. The moment with Bryan Cranston was probably the best because when you dress in cosplay for a character and the actor that is the character notices it makes the cosplay effort totally worth it.

Do you have any advice for a first time attendee?

Every year I have a notebook with a list of everything I want to do on every day of the con. Make a plan but be aware that you will not get to do everything on that list. Keep your eyes open because the unexpected meet up could happen at any time. If you want to see star hang out at the bar in the Hilton Bayfront and Omni. The stars are having a long day and love to stop for a drink.

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