Under the Tents: The Expanse, Final Space, Kevin Eastman, Tee Turtle

Sweet Mooncake! This edition of Under the Tents is bringing you epic SDCC news… epically! Look for SDCC announcements from Kevin Eastman, Final Space, The Expanse, and a lot more.

Here’s a look at what you might have missed:

  • The Moon Minis took to Instagram to post some sketches of what we can expect to see at their Small Press Booth #N-11 at SDCC this year.



  • Writer/artist/photographer Jenni Gregory is excited to be coming back to SDCC for the first time since 2007. She still doesn’t have details as to where she’ll have a table, but we’ll keep an eye out to see when she posts any updates.


  • Writer Erica Schultz posted her updated con schedule to her Facebook page, which happily includes SDCC 2018.

  • Artist Alex Li Qin posted within the Artist Alley International Network Facebook Group that he is working on a comic strip he hopes to have ready in time to release for SDCC 2018.

  • Comic book artist Ryan Benjamin tweeted that his SDCC pre-con commissions are open. You can message him on Twitter if you’re interested.

  • Artist Robert McKeone took to Instagram to announce he will be in Artists Alley at SDCC this year. He’s still not sure of his exact table, so we’ll keep an eye out for when he gets that locked down.


  • The Art of Jeprox is busy working on a special SDCC project. From what we see on Instagram, we’re excited to see the finished product.


  • If you were wondering if Giant Robot will be at SDCC 2018, you’ll be happy to see it appear on their Events Calendar.

  • San Diego game creators The Behemoth also have SDCC 2018 listed on their Events page.

  • San Diego Comic-Con is on Tee Turtle’s Convention Schedule as well. Stop and visit them and give them a high five (or warm hug if you’re so inclined).

  • According to his Appearance page, artist Caleb King will be at SDCC 2018 in Artists Alley at Table #DD-10.

  • Tech company Dent will be presenting material at SDCC 2018. They’re also holding a special Dent: Dinner at San Diego Comic-Con for their Dent Passport holders that will feature speakers from NASA as well as MIT’s Media Lab.

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle co-creator Kevin Eastman once again has SDCC on his Tour Schedule, according to fan site Kevin Eastman Studios. We’ll be sure to keep an eye out for further announcements from him.

  • Fans of The Expanse were relieved to see it picked up by Amazon Prime following its cancellation at Syfy. Producer Naren Shankar took to Twitter to thank fans for their support and dropped a big hint that we’ll see The Expanse at SDCC again this year. Now, if NBC would just let us know about Timeless


  • Artist Brian Kesinger is teaming with Bottled Monster once again to bring Otto and Victoria to SDCC. You’ll find their merch once again at the League of Steam’s booth.

  • Where’s all the sense? Oh, it’s in this tweet from Olan Rogers, who revealed that we will see TBS’s animated series Final Space at SDCC this year.

Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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