Under the Tents: Steven Gordon, Orlando Jones, Neysa Bove, Philip Tan

We hope that you’ve had a great week planning for San Diego Comic-Con. You’ve seen the map, a whole slew of Funko reveals, Hasbro exclusives, and even the SDCC banners. But what about all the other good stuff? Well, here it is. Philip Tan shows off an exclusive, Neysa Bove makes hearts sing with a new plush, Amy Mebberson announces her commission details, and much more.

Here’s a look at the news you might have missed.

  • Patrick Ballesteros has a message for Friday and we don’t think Friday stands a chance. Here is another of Patrick’s 100 mini-originals he’s creating for SDCC. Do you have a favorite yet?

  • We are very pleased to see this tweet from Orlando Jones, who never fails to entertain at San Diego Comic-Con. Will he be marrying folks again? Giving out cosplay awards? Or β€” SYFY Drumline, please?!


  • We all know cats would do great in space, but now we have proof. Ash Evans has created this fantastic little pouch with the most amazing astronaut kitty on it. We so very approve. Check out the bags, pins and prints that will all feature what I’m calling “Meow Armstrong.”


  • And while we’re talking about Ash Evans, we may as well mention that there will be eight different bags available, and here is another meow-velous version.


  • Dan Panosian will be featured at the Essential Sequential booth at Comic-Con, looks like he might be working on some original pieces to bring to the table(s).


  • Unknown Comic Books is reserving a supply of their variant cover for DC’s Dceased #3Β  to sell at their booth. This cover features art by Jay Anacelto and colors by RAIN.

  • And in addition, Amy welcomes (most of) those who purchase her Hasbro Disney exclusive to stop by and get the box signed.

  • Montreal based publisher Drawn & Quarterly has a few confirmed guests for San Diego Comic-Con. They include Jason Lutes, CCI special guest Seth, Ebony Flowers, Aminder Dhaliwal and Kevin Huizenga.

  • Flat Bonnie showed us a sweet little jackalope plush… what could it mean?!?

  • Steven Gordon will have several prints for sale this year at SDCC, but the first is this one of the Ultimate Avengers team, with colors by Timothy C. Brown.


  • You can also help Steven with someΒ input about this New Mutants print. Chime in on his Instagram post if you’d like to see it as a print at SDCC.


  • You’ve seen Jin Yung Kim’s Voltorn stickers in UTT before but here is a new one that will be joining the others at SDCC. If anyone does another Volton comic, they’d be wise to hit up Kim to handle the art.

  • Neysa Bove will have this precious Burro Friend with her at SDCC. We know that Neysa will be at the Nucleus booth #2015 so if you want this little buddy for yourself, you’ll have to race me there.


  • Philip Tan promised that this is just the tip of the iceberg for SDCC exclusives. You’ll be able to find this variant cover for Amazing Spider-Man #25 at the KRS booth.


Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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