We are just two very short days away from San Diego Comic-Con 2019, which means the news is coming in fast and furious. This morning we’ve got updates on legendary artists like Stan Sakai and Dave Kellett, an awesome Adventure Time piece which will be on display at the Mondo booth, and more.
Here’s a look at what you might have missed:
- Stan Sakai has revealed a Usagi and Groo crossover pin that will be available at both table I-7 and Booth #4906.
We’ll have a lot of new product at San Diego Comic-Con, including this Groo/Usagi cross-over pin. This will be available at both Sergio’s Table (I7) and my Booth (4906). pic.twitter.com/dsVbDtRrwE
— Stan Sakai (@usagiguy) July 12, 2019
- Prism Comics will be back at SDCC celebrating its 50th anniversary and representing LGBTQ+ artists. At the booth you can find comics and other merch by authors as well as portfolio reviews, panels hosted by the team, and signings. Check out the link for all of the details and find them at Booth #2144.

- Nsurgo has revealed on Twitter their last item heading for Comic-Con 2019. It is a custom blinged out figure and can be found at I Am Retro Booth #5601.
- Martin Hsu is bringing a copy of his Dragon Boy – Once Upon canvas print to SDCC Booth #4530. It’s the last one in stock and will go fast. If you are interested, contact him via the link for more info and to reserve. He will also have the original and prints available for Home is Where the Heart Is, fan art inspired by Howl’s Moving Castle.
- Alex Kain and Rachel Bennett will be at Comic-Con for the first time ever and they will be promoting their project Beyond the Western Deep with books, pins, stickers and more at DD-20.
Our first SDCC is coming up in just a few short days! @kobbers and I will have all sorts of cool merch at DD-20 (and if you have trouble remembering the table number, just think of all those nat-20's you've rolled in D&D 🙂
We'll have books, pins, stickers, and more! pic.twitter.com/gKzwnPSdnX
— Alex Kain (@tdcpresents) July 13, 2019
- Power Rangers Turbo Blue Ranger Blake Foster will be signing at Comic-Con booths BOOM! and SHOUT! Check out the graphic for all the details.
- The California Browncoats have tweeted what you could win at their booth on Preview Night while playing their Chopsticks Game for charity. These adorable prizes were made by their member Denise Grinde-Grimes. Stop by for some fun and give back.
We have some special Charity Chopstick Game prizes set aside for preview night of #sdcc! Like this #browncoat goodie bag full of @washosaurus treats! Donate $5 and pull a pair of chopsticks- all proceeds go to charity! #SDCC2019 pic.twitter.com/tyCCSutFCO
— California Browncoats – WonderCon Booth 889 (@CABrowncoats) July 15, 2019
- Jed Henry announced on Instagram will be at SDCC table J6 in row 1000. He will bringing his prints old and new as well as exclusive pins.
- Artist and writer Adalisa is headed to Comic-Con all the way from Mexico and she is bringing her first sketchbook. It is limited, full color and can be found at Artist Alley table AA-15. She will also have these bags.
And my biggest surprise for you all! My very first limited edition #sketchbook! #fullcolor for #sdcc2019! Get yours at table aa-15! pic.twitter.com/jHk6dty8bP
— Adalisa Zarate, Fairy Con-mom – Commissions Open! (@luxshine) July 14, 2019
More goodies for #sdcc! Get these cool bags at my table #artistalley aa-15 pic.twitter.com/BIznaRfaxD
— Adalisa Zarate, Fairy Con-mom – Commissions Open! (@luxshine) July 14, 2019
- Dave Kellett will be at San Diego Comic-Con with two new books, enamel pins, posters, original art, friendship and high fives! Stop by Booth #1228 for one or all these awesome things on offer.
- Johnny Dope Kicks can be found at SDCC N-14 showing off the covers of three new comics exclusives. They are Ewoks are Better than Hobbits, The Black Man’s Guide to Getting Pulled Over, and Die Cute.
Cover Drop! Proud to present the covers for 3 new comics premiering at #SDCC2019 ! Make sure to come by Small Press table N-14 to see Ewoks are Better than Hobbits, The Black Man’s Guide to Getting Pulled Over, & Die Cute #comiccon2019 #sdccexclusives #indycomics #johnnydopekicks pic.twitter.com/DR74PxAiiz
— Johnny Parker II at Rose City AA L5 (@johnnyp313) July 14, 2019
- Genevieve Santos will be celebrating her birthday at SDCC on Saturday, July 20. To celebrate her birthday and the anniversary of last year’s rice cooker ceramic, this year still will be selling an enamel pin of a rice cooker planter. It is limited to 100 pieces and only available if you stop Small Press table L-07 and with Genevieve a happy birthday.
- Mindstyle Worldwide posted on Instagram two SFBI Bode Mini figure sets that will be available at Comic-Con Booth #5145. Each set contains four 2″ figures and will be available for $60.
- Brock Otterbacher posted on Instagram an adorable Adventure Time snail statue that will be on display at Mondo booth #435.
- Illustrator S. Preston will be debuting his minimalist Looney Tunes series at the Chuck Jones Gallery during Comic-Con as well as signing on Thursday, July 18th from 2-5pm.
My Minimalist Looney Tunes series is debuting at SDCC this week! And I’ll be signing at the Chuck Jones Gallery July 18th 2-5pm! pic.twitter.com/ijXy08uH09
— S. Preston (@PootPoot) July 14, 2019
- Star Wars Toy Stories, makers of a fan film called Home Solo are bringing more of their voice actors to sign their SDCC exclusive posters to Sails Pavilion table AA07. These include David S. Dawson as Yoda and Whitton Frank as Princess Leia.
Visit our #StarWars #FanFilm table at San Diego @Comic_Con and get one of these FREE POSTERS for Star Wars: #TheToyAwaken. Find out about our upcoming film #HomeSolo: #AStarWarsToyStory, and meet #VoiceActor @davidsdawson, the voice of #Yoda!
SCHEDULE – https://t.co/kWAEpdhWkb pic.twitter.com/qlHkK8FVpt— Star Wars Toy Stories (@SWToyStories) July 14, 2019
Visit our #StarWars #FanFilm table at San Diego @Comic_Con and get one of these FREE EXCLUSIVE POSTERS for our upcoming film #HomeSolo: #AStarWarsToyStory! Meet #VoiceActor extraordinaire @Whittonfrank and have her sign one of these prints! #WhittonFrank pic.twitter.com/F8NzI6tcls
— Star Wars Toy Stories (@SWToyStories) July 13, 2019
Anything we missed? Anyone you’re really excited to see? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.