Under the Tents 2024: Joe Corroney, Furry Feline Creatives, Dan Veesenmeyer, Patrick Ballesteros, Paul Cornell

I’ve been dodging tornadoes and severe thunderstorms all week long, but it’s nothing compared to the flurry of  San Diego Comic-Con activity that is starting to pour out of all corners of social media. Traditionally, the beginning of June is when things start really ramping up and kids, June is *NEXT WEEK* which means that it’s a great time to turn on your Twitter notifications, think about scheduling a commission or two and prep a spreadsheet for the oncoming onslaught of information.

We’re seeing panel submission approvals roll in (Manifest! Stargate!) plus a lot more teases for exclusives (Martin Hsu! Patrick Ballesteros!) and so much more. Don’t let any of it slip through the cracks!

Let’s take a look at the news you might have missed:

  • May as well start with our good friend Patrick Ballesteros. According to his post on Twitter, he’s working on a series of daily exclusives that will keep you coming back to his Artist Alley table each day to get ’em all. As if we didn’t need another reason to run, er…um…walk SWIFTLY to booth #DD-08.

  • Patrick will also have a selection of his very popular stickers, including this rendition of Jack Burton’s alter ego Henry Swanson from Big Trouble in Little China. Patrick will only have to ask “Cash or charge?”

  • Con & On and Doctor Who writer (and UBlog friend) Paul Cornell is heading back to San Diego Comic-Con, and is here to fight for his right to parrrrrr-tay. Or have meetings. Y’know, either way.
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  • Comic book writer Trevor Fernandes-Lenkiewicz (Area 51: The Helix Project, Minutes to Midnight: The Hour Between Life & Death, Rise) is making plans to see everyone he knows at San Diego Comic-Con, for his very first (but probably not his last) time at the event. 

  • Bash from TransformArt is looking to once again make a super splash with creative and beautiful exclusives, and could use your help! Share with them what you’d love to see at San Diego Comic-Con this year and see if they can make it a reality.

  • Don’t have a great idea but still want to see what TransformArt is working on? Check out this handy-dandy backpack featuring their very popular SDCC inspired pattern from last year. Pre-orders will be starting soon so make sure to sign up for their email list to be notified.

  • Make way for the Dragon Boy! Figures of Martin Hsu’s original character, sculpted by Elisabeth Holmes, will be making their way to booth #4530, including very fancy 1/1 hand painted versions. If you’re willing Martin to turn this figure around and show the front of it, you’re not alone. *Jedi mind tricks failing*

  • You know what they say, the more Dragon Boys, the merrier. Here’s a micro version of Dragon Boy, featuring some intricate cherry blossom designs painted by Mark Nagata of Max Toy Co. These little cuties are being designated as SDCC exclusives.

  • If you’re looking for a good place to snag a copy of Jason Aaron’s new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 on the day of it’s release, you won’t have to venture far. Now Or Never Comics, just a short walk from the convention center, and will have plenty of copies on Wednesday, July 24, PLUS they will be celebrating with PIZZA. Who doesn’t love a slice of pizza after a hard day of ninjaing? Stay tuned for more details.

  • But what if you want Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but you’re inside the San Diego Convention Center? Well, we can’t vouch for the pizza but we can direct you to artist “JYK All Day” Jin Yung Kim, who showed off this T.M.N.T. work in progress on Instagram that is intended to be for the show.
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  • Furry Feline Creative is leaving us guessing with this Twitter post, announcing that their “biggest evolution to date” will coincide with their 12th anniversary and San Diego Comic-Con. What could Alvin and Cheri have up their sleeves? We’re looking forward to finding out.

  • Well, we might as well keep the teases coming. This time, it’s from our friends Yesterdays, who will have a collaboration with pin up artist Sveta Shubina at SDCC. Whatever “horror” they are planning will surely be delightful and we’ll surely want it. 

  • The good folks over at the Daily Dead recently spoke with president and publisher of Oni Press Hunter Gorinson and Oni Press Editor-in-Chief Sierra Hahn who spilled some nuggets of intel regarding their San Diego Comic-Con plans. Those plans include lots and lots of coverage for Oni’s new line of horror comics, a resurrection of the classic EC comics line, the first of which will drop on Wednesday, July 24th. Oni Press promises “Special guests” and “EC Surprises.” They also mention the 20th anniversary of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim, calling it their “showstopper” for SDCC. That’s a lot to look forward to.

  • Artist Joe Corroney is exploring the duality of Bo-Katan Kryze’s world in this stunning Star Wars print. We’ll have to wait a little longer for all the details on how to get this gem into your grubby little mitts.

  • If David Gahan is your own “Personal Jesus” and you “Just Can’t Get Enough” you might be interested in this original art from the Depeche Mode biographical comic book by artist Steve McGarry. Steve will have the art for sale at San Diego Comic-Con, and those aren’t just “Blasphemous Rumors”, McGarry posted about it himself on Twitter.

  • Provided there are no art-related emergencies, Dan Veesenmeyer is set to open his commission list for San Diego Comic-Con “early next week.”  You won’t want to hesitate to act when they do, they always go fast, and rightly so. 

  • If you were on Twitter yesterday you may have noticed a smattering of  ague (and sometimes not at all vague) announcements regarding San Diego Comic-Con panels. Even though the official schedule won’t be revealed until the middle of July, we can still start filling out those spreadsheets of “panels not to miss.” Here’s just a few:
  • The above-mentioned Dan Veesenmeyer will be doing double panel duty this year. Two panels he’s part of have both been approved. Any guesses on what they will be about? So far, Veesenmeyer is remaining mum. 

  • History educator Erica got the e-mail she was hoping for. We’ll have to wait a bit longer for the details. 

  • Gareth from Skewed and Reviewed also had a panel confirmed. He’ll be leading a discussion for fans about what’s on the horizon for video games in 2025 and beyond.

  • And finally today…..Now boarding Montego Air flight 828 from Montego Bay to New York! The ever popular Manifest panel will be back for 2024. Did you manifest this, Marcia?

Anything we missed? Let us know by dropping us a line, or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

If you missed our previous Under the Tents posts, you can find them HERE.


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