Attendee of the Week: Ren

Every week from now until San Diego Comic-Con, we’re celebrating you: our readers! So let’s meet this week’s Attendee of the Week:



Where are you traveling from for San Diego Comic-Con?

Carlsbad, CA (so far, I know) 

How many years have you been attending?

19 years. The first was in 2003. I drove myself and a group of friends down as soon as I got my driver’s license! Back then you could wait till after 4pm to go into the convention and it was only $10. You could just walk up and buy a badge! I’ve only missed two because of the pandemic. I’ve seen SDCC change so much!

What was your favorite panel and why?

I love all the panels where they have scientists with sci-fi writers to discuss how scientifically real or not real things in fiction are. They used to all be hosted by the Nerdist but now they’re just hosted by different people or groups each time. NASA hosted one last year and it was so fun! I love hearing how sci-fi can actually become reality.

What is your favorite exhibitor or artist booth and why?

I always love getting to see Sara Richard and Brianna Garcia in Artists Alley! 

What is your favorite item you’ve ever taken home from the convention (swag, exclusive, merch, etc.)?

I’ve gotten so much cool swag and merch over the years, but I got a hoodie that’s Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon that has a tail and the ears and everything that I still wear to this day!

What was your favorite autograph session and why?

I think it might have been 2006-ish, waiting in line for John Cassaday to sign my copy of Astonishing X-Men and Marvel had taped a sign to the table that said not to ask for sketches. I was the last person in line and he grabbed the sign, flipped it over, and asked who my favorite character was and sketched me a fantastic Shadowcat! I still have it with the copy of Astonishing X-Men he signed for me!

Tell us about your most memorable celebrity encounter at the convention.

I saw Adam Savage from Mythbusters walking outside the convention and asked for a picture. He said he couldn’t stop but said I could walk with him for a bit, and we had a super quick conversation. This was still early on, before he started doing his cool costumes and hiding out inside the convention.

What was your favorite offsite and why?

I used to love going to Nerd HQ! I went to some great off-site panels there and played cool games, and it was just a fun place to chill and be surrounded by other nerds! 

Where is your favorite place to eat during the con?

I used to love going to Berkeley Pizza when it was still around, and a con staple is to go grab food at the Ralph’s before sleeping in the Hall H line. We also have a tradition of going to The Broken Yolk on the last day 

What is your favorite thing about San Diego Comic-Con?

I love just being around all the excitement! Being in a massive room full of people who are super excited just to be there is the best! 

What is your best tip having a good con?

Focus on the moment! Especially nowadays we’re all so focused on our phones that cool interactions or just cool moments are being missed. 

Do you tend to do the convention solo or with friends?

With friends, but we each split up to do our own thing sometimes. I was super grateful for my friend group in 2019 when I’d just broken my leg the week before and they helped me navigate the floor in a wheelchair and on crutches!

How would you describe SDCC to someone who has never been before?

Imagine filling a giant backpack with all your favorite nerdy collectibles, then add in a few hardcover books, then walking about 20,000 steps all while being bombarded by sounds, bright colors, smells, running into people. It’s overwhelming but in the best way. Like going to Disneyland for the first time as a kid, or Christmas morning! 


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