Attendee of the Week: Jace Delgado

Every week from now until San Diego Comic-Con, we’re celebrating you: our readers! So let’s meet this week’s Attendee of the Week:

Jace Delgado

Where are you traveling from for San Diego Comic-Con?

I’m local to San Diego but work in the Seattle area. So technically, I’ll be flying in from Seattle to the San Diego Comic-Con that week.

How many years have you been attending?

Been attending since 1994 or 1995. It’s been a really long time.

What was your favorite panel and why?

The 10 year reunion of Firefly. I remember the morning that I lined up for that panel. It was about 1am and my friend dropped me off in front of the tents. I got in line and about 30 minutes to an hour, Joss Whedon was walking the line.  He was taking pictures and doing some signing with the people in line. When he came up to me all I can think about is “get an autograph from him”. I didn’t even think about taking a picture with him at the time. So I had no material for him to sign except my SDCC badge. So I had him sign it. When it was time to go up into Ballroom 20.  We sat through I think it was 1 or 2 panels before the Firefly panel. When the cast came out, there was a standing ovation like I have never seen at SDCC. Even beat out a standing ovation in Hall H that I have experienced. They talked about their time on the show and how much chemistry they had with one another. And to this day they still remain close friends. It was amazing how one season and a movie can draw such a big following. At the end of the panel there was another standing ovation and you can see the cast tearing up and audience members tearing up. It was such an epic panel.  

What is your favorite exhibitor or artist booth and why?

There is a toss up between my favorite exhibitor. It would have to be between Funko and Hasbro. Both exhibitors have amazing exclusives and are the ones that are hard to get into. But once you get into either one it feels amazing.

What was you favorite autographs session and why?

Favorite autograph session has to be with THE MAN, Mr. Stan Lee. He is one of the first guys to start the whole comic revolution.  Now we see his creations on the big screen.

What is your favorite con snack?

Favorite con snack has to be beef jerky. Can’t go wrong with beef jerky. It’s easy to carry and snack on while walking from one end of the convention floor to the other.

Tell us about your most memorable celebrity encounter at the convention?

Most memorable celebrity encounter has to be with Joss Whedon. He took the time and effort to walk the front of the line to the back of the line to see all the people who were going to the Firefly panel. He went out of his way to greet the fans. Not many celebrities will do that.

What is (or was) your favorite offsite and why?

Favorite offsite is the Conan show. I actually lost my voice in that show trying to be picked to get on stage to do a dance off. That would have been fun to do.

What is your favorite restaurant in downtown San Diego?

Favorite restaurant in downtown would have to be Rei Do Gado. All you can eat Brazilian style steakhouse.  Mmm, delicious! 

What is your favorite Comic-Con memory/moment?

Favorite Comic-Con memory has to be the time I get to spend with my friends that I hardly see. We all live such a busy life and to see the guys/gals you grew up with still attending SDCC is pretty amazing. And to top it off, we even line up with each other every morning trying to grab those specific exclusives that you can’t get anywhere else.  

Do you have any advice for a first time attendee?

My advice for a first time attendee will have to be, plan, plan, plan. Look at the panel schedules. See what panels you want to see. Look at the floor plan. See what booths you want to go to. Look at the list of Exhibitors. Visit the Exhibitors you want to see. Look at the list of exclusives. See what exclusives you really want and look at the floor plan to have a plan of attack once you hit the floor. Look at all of the outdoor activities that is happening during SDCC. There are a ton of free events that happen outside of the convention center. Add all of that onto a spreadsheet and save it on your phone. Save that spreadsheet by day and for each day, sort it it by time.
So have a plan and have a backup plan. If the first plan falls through, you have a backup plan. Also have a backup plan to the backup plan. There are too many things to do at SDCC. You will not be able to do everything. So I say plan and plan not to sleep too much. LOL!!!! Camping out can be your friend and also your enemy. But it will all be worth it in the end.


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