Under The Tents Early Edition: X-Files Photo Op, Lizzy Caplan, Disney Infinity, EW, DKE, Lea Thompson

We’ve started a new, quasi-regular column on the Blog titled “Under The Tents”. The title is symbolic, as it’s representative of the times we all line up under the tents waiting for those big moments to happen inside Hall H or Ballroom 20.

You can read the previous Late Edition Edition here.

Here’s the rest of the stuff you might have missed for today:

  • The Official Blog of Comic-Con, the Toucan Blog, offered up a tip yesterday on their site about MySchedule – which is a handy, mobile way to bookmark panels you’re interested in, so you have all the room and time information saved. As we get closer to San Diego Comic Con, CCI will also release autograph schedules, and information on anime, CCI-IFF screenings and panels, the Children’s Film Festival and Portofolio Review:
You can create your own schedule using MySchedule (powered by SCHED). Once you create an account, you can mark which panels and events you’d like to attend and MySchedule will give you a complete listing of them. Use the print option provided to print the list in any manner you choose. Share your schedule with your friends. See your favorites on your mobile devices and synched across platforms and devices as well. Send your schedule to your calendar software. Filter and search the list by types, titles, company names, artists, writers, celebrities . . . you name it!
  • Lightspeed Fine Arts has announced their pre-sale for their combined David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson photo opportunity and autograph session. Photos are $200 for the pair and are limited to only 100 spots, and autographs are $80 for Duchovny, and $60 for Anderson. You can pre-order on their site now.
  • Lizzy Caplan has now been confirmed for the Thursday panel and premiere of The Sidekick (3PM-4PM; Indigo Ballroom). The trailer for the 30 minute short can be viewed here:

  • Disney has announced that they will be promoting their upcoming video game, Disney Infinity, with a special offsite event in the gaslamp district. Although an exact location wasn’t given, a Disney Infinity tour bus will be in the area July 18-20, where fans will get the chance to play the upcoming game. Each tour stop is said to include “game demos, surprise guests, photo opportunities, giveaways, contests, entertainment provided by Radio Disney and more,” so it’s sure to be a must-stop for any Disney gamer fan.


  •  The cover for Entertainment Weekly’s annual Comic Con edition has been unveiled by Comic Book Movie – which includes several things previously announced, such as Orphan Black, Ender’s Game and Divergent. Of special note, though, is that it also mentions both Carrie and Doctor Who, implying both properties will have some presence at SDCC.


  • DKE has released a sneak peek at their next Comic-Con exclusives: Kuchisake Onna DX and the Slenderman DX by Fuei SHOKAI. The pieces will sell for $75 each, and are available at Booth # 5045.


  • Actress Lea Thompson (Back to the Future) will be signing autographs on Saturday at the Retro Outlaw Studios Booth #929, the company announced via Twitter.



Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments, drop us a line or tweet us at @SD_Comic_Con.

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