San Diego Comic-Con Online 2020 — Fan Tables

With San Diego Comic-Con 2020 cancelled, it’s more important than ever to support artists and small vendors. We have compiled a list of as many of the San Diego Comic-Con 2020 artists located in Artist Alley, with Small Press and the full Exhibitor list to follow.

Plus, you probably have some more free time to look through this list and find some amazing artists.

Note: CCI’s list was alphabetized by last name if a name, or by the first letter if a company name, so we’ve done the same.

If you are an artist and we are missing information you would like included, please e-mail us at [email protected].

Here’s a list of artists, as well as where to find and support them:

Artists’ Alley

Small Press

Exhibitors A-M

Exhibitors N-Z

Fan Tables

Fan Table Social Media Website / Shop
The 1701st Fleet USS Navras Facebook / Instagram / Twitter
501st Legion / Imperial Sands Garrison Twitter / Facebook Website
Com Station Z Facebook
ConDor Conventions Facebook / Twitter Website
Gaslight Gathering TwitterFacebook Website
Gaslight Steampunk Expo Twitter / Facebook Website
IKV Stranglehold Facebook Website
Jericho Kansas Inc. Twitter / Instagram/ Facebook Website
Kingdom of Terre Neuve Facebook Website
Legion World Twitter / Facebook Website
LOSCON Website
Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club Twitter / Instagram/ Facebook Website
Rebel Legion Facebook Website
Robotech X Twitter / Facebook Website
San Diego Costume Play Org
San Diego Star Wars Society Instagram/ Facebook Website
SCA Iron Brigade Website

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