Fincher, Giamatti, and New Footage Confirmed for ‘The Goon’ Panel

MTV Splashpage just confirmed that the Friday panel for ‘The Goon’ will include producer David Fincher, actor Paul Giamatti, and brand-new footage for the film. Why should you be incredibly excited? Continue reading and find out.

For those of you that are not film-fans, let me give you an overview of the guests. Fincher is a legend in modern cinema and has directed Fight Club, Se7en, Zodiac, Benjamin Button, and the upcoming film The Social Network. Giamatti is just as awesome as his roles in Sideways, American Splendor, John Adams, and The Illusionist has made him a favorite actor of many film-goers. Having these two on the panel really increases my excitement and made this a go-to event on my schedule.

Just to add to this greatness, MTV also got their hands on a 40-second trailer for the film that gives a taste of the footage attendees will see at the panel. Take a look:

Though I’m not a huge fan of the comic series, this footage looked quite good and I think ‘The Goon’ could end up a surprise hit of the con. What about you?

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